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  1. This is in french but its about a priest who has to preach at several different churchs all on the same day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTgNcyI61lw
  2. That was horrendous. Just imagine if it was a road car with no roll cage and normal seats and belts. Makes you think a bit doesn't it.
  3. Body: Be alert during the next few days: Don't open any message with an attached file called "Invitation", regardless of who sent it. It's a virus that opens an Olympic Torch that "burns" the whole hard disk of your computer. This virus will come from someone who has your e-mail address; that's why you should send this e-mail to all your contacts. It's better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus DON'T open it and shut down your computer immediately . This is the worst virus announced by CNN, it's been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. The virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there's no repair yet for this particular virus. It simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disk, where vital information is kept. Also:- Emails with pictures of Osama Bin-Laden hanged are being sent and the moment you open these emails your computer will crash and you will not be able to fix it! This e-mail is being distributed through countries around the globe, but mainly in the US and Israel. Don't be inconsiderate; send this warning to whomever you know. If you get an email along the lines of "Osama Bin Laden Captured" or "Osama Hanged" don't open the attachment.
  4. I got caught doing 135mph on a 50 mph duel carriageway in rush hour a few years ago by an unmarked car. (yes I know I'm a T**t) The police force had all there unmarked cars from the north of Wales out looking for me for three days due to a complaint from the public. They got me on the fourth day. The copper said it was the worst case of speeding he had ever seen and I was probably going to get some bird for it. Six weeks later he rung me up to tell me that they weren't going to take it any further due to a problem with the recording equipment. Which meant I got off scott free. Because I was driving so fast the copper couldn't keep up and the video he recorded was no good, he never got near enough to get a clear view of my plate. My advice to your brother is not to admit anything. The police need a confession to prosecute in most cases as there evidence is usually not that good. Make sure they can provide a certificate proving the speed camera's had been calibrated that day before they where used. I was harassed and followed a lot afterwards for ages by the rozzers but they soon got bored. It did scare me though, the thought of losing my licence. It did have the effect of slowing me down a lot.
  5. Ive been wanting to own my own website for a while now, nothing to do with cars. How much is it costing you for the domain and is it totally yours, and not some providers site. I use piczo as my sites host but there a bit strict on its content.
  6. I was thrashing my car home from Manchester tonight, and when I got to crewe as I came off a round-about I couldn't get a gear at all. I stopped, turned the engine off and sliped it into first. Started the engine again and drove back to nantwich using all the gears fine. As Ive pull up in front of my house its happened again. 5 minutes later when I drove it up the drive it was fine again. Any ideas whats going on.[:'(]
  7. So what ya think then? your jealous aren't you..go on admit it, you all want a go in it. The boots not much cop tho!......How could anyone get bored with a scooby really.
  8. Demon tweeks sell them ready painted for about £30 fella. I got mine off ebay for £10 but had to pay £25 to get it painted.
  9. Well I brought a new car. Its fantastic. Its probably not quite as quick as the scoob but because its smaller and lower it feels a lot quicker. I'll post a picture of it in a bit. I'm thinking about keeping the scoob as well tho.
  10. I'm bored with it now. I got it in November but fancy something different, something smaller and lower. Some sort of 2 seater red sports car. I'm going to look at a couple of cars tonight.
  11. The plot thickens. Ive taken the door cards off front and back and found nothing but the noise is still there, somewhere. On the upside I found the child lock switch on the back door, which I wish I found 6 months ago.
  12. Shut up, Shut up, Shut up.....Roony is going to be fine, Roony is going to be fine, Roony is going to be fine.....If I keep saying it, it will hapen, Rooney is going to be fine ummm.....That gives me an Idea, David James wont play.......David James wont play.......David James wont play....
  13. Alright muckers, how's it hanging. Anyone know how to get the passenger front door card off on a 2000 UK turbo. There's something rolling around in the bottom of the door that sounds like a marble and its driving me mental.
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