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Everything posted by andrew_lally

  1. superb figures mate....but whats going on with the dyno graph after 5000-5500 rpm......looks all over the place!!! maybe they meant to be like that...i dont know...so if they are then excuse my ignorance hahahahah hope the gearbox holds out mate....but i would be trying to source another as we speak hahaha i have the number of a bloke in glasgow who rebuilt my mates sti5-6 box....full overhaul and replaced 4th and 5th synchro's £180 all in.....and its as smooth as a baby's @rse now!!!! let me know when you need the number simon hahahaha im still sittin without a gearbox and i only got 310bhp....lol take care big guy regards andy
  2. very little difference between all the droplink upgrade kits....they all seem to do the same job!!! price varies quite a bit......used powerflex in the past and they are awesome!!! whiteline are also very good but seem to be hiking price up due to their better known name!!!! even seen someone just bolt a solid bar between the two mounting points with no push atall.... it all does the same thing!!!.....how much are the powerflex just out of curiosity??? hope they do the trick davie!!!!! regards andy
  3. i agree with gumball here.....ebc stuff is ok for the boy racers but they aint relly up to the job of trying to stop a more powrfull vehicle!! my mate put them on his cossie for going to knockhill...brand new...and he had them on fire!!! standard brakes are going to take a real pounding!!!!....spare track wheels is a superb idea...slicks would be better!!! regards andy
  4. sounds like you hitting the dreaded fuel cut defender....what boost you running and what mods.....if your boost spikes to 1.1-1.2bar on hard acceleration it will trigger the fuel cut defender!!! there are plenty devices out their that electronically raise this limit!!! regards andy
  5. gotta be a 900 bhp skyline...or a 350bhp busa engined lotus 7 replica with a turbo hangin from it woohoo got my eyes set on a skyline...always wanted one!!!!!! next year.........R32 GTR!!! regards andy
  6. 1. Paddy247 Scooby. 2. RS Grant No Scooby 3. Oz *sti* Scooby 4.dtabbit77 Scooby 5Shaun_O'Donnell Scooby 6 scientific steve Scooby 7. mctwistuk Scooby 8. P1ggm Scooby, plus about 6 wee scoobies(do they count too) 9.lescazscoob Scooby 10.baldyadonis, 2 scoobs...both broken hahaha
  7. was hoping to be on track with the RA gearbox....but it only lasted 12 day hahahah....nightmare another quality ebay item!!!...nightmare got a 99/00 uk spec gearbox and diff to go in....but gearing will be very long!!!....not ideal!!! hopefull see you all up there!!!! regards andy........
  8. i got the AP 6 pots 330mm grooved...and i have to say, they are absolutely outstanding..... not an area i would scrimp in.....AP's rule the braking scene by far!!! regards andy... ps mines cost £1800.... think i may have overpaid slightly???????? yes/no????
  9. wheres the pictures o the yellow peril xr2 driftin???.....you know thats what we all want to see coll hahahaha regards andy ps....tell me you got some pics o the silver civic and xr2 dodgem racing near the end o the day hahahhaha speak soon dude
  10. not a tricky job....just like doing a RWD motor mate.....apart from the clutch fork location pin it is very straight forward!!!! the clutch fork location pin needs to be rmoved before the box can slide out!!! regards andy
  11. i went for the dreaded AP 4 paddle clutch....superb on track...superb for 6000 rpm launches!!! absolute nightmare in the car parks....and have blown 2 gearboxes since i stuck it in!!! maybe coincidence though!!! im looking at getting an organic and keeping the paddle for ma track scoob if it ever gets completed...lol regards andy
  12. stick a 2.0 valver in a corsa mate....you wont be dissapointed.....Mr2 will be very very slow on track... Pugs are ok but nothing special...my old cavalier 8v gives them a good run every month!!! civic vtec would be my personal choice!!!!....160+ bhp and superb handling cars...strip it out and get into the 1.05s brakes and slicks will make it quicker and more fun!!! lot o scope to have a good trackcar for 2k mate....we go up every month in £50-£100 bangers and have a good time!!! secret is to get the weight down to a minimum...our XR2 is down to 740kg now and it takes the piss out of a lot o triack machinary, more so in the corners hahahahaha regards andy
  13. ebay items supply decent FMIC kits but the pipework on mines was very poor higgy....been on for 4-5 months and seriously pitted already hahahahaha and be prepared to seriously butcher your motor to get it to fit...although i have been told there is a lot more room on later cars!! But all worth it in the end....the difference was unbelievable on mines.....if a little laggy!!! but thats nothing that cant be sorted with a boost controller!! regards andy
  14. cant see 310bhp being the problem......gotta have been unlucky with my ebay buys!!! may have to rebuild one on my own like you say RC!!! canny seem to get anyone to give me advice about uk boxes!!!...how strong are they...thy gotta be the same or similiar to the wrx box that lasted for 10 months of abuse before third went AWOL...hahaha anybody got any links to any specification pages or gearbox reviews??? regards andy
  15. take idle stabilising valve off......clean out with a can of carb cleaner!!!!!.....it will remove any residue that will be causing the valve to stick and not operate correctly!! stick it back on and it will be like new!!!
  16. rollers killed my gearbox......granted it was probably on its way out.......but live mapping will always sort your car out!!! lets face it...how often do you drive your car to 7000rpm in third in your garage with the hairdryer on it for cooling hahahah andy will sort your motor out the proper way.....live mapping in the real world on a real road!!!! like the cossie dude says......andy f ..proven tuner with proven skills....and the cossie boys know a thing or two about tuning!!! regards andy
  17. let me think!!!!......which left....right got it!!! the pedal on the left if for depressing fully whilst adjusting tickover to 6000rpm....then as quickly as humanly possible!!!! Sideshift foot further to left!!!!.....and woohoo.....we off!!!!......this way seems to stop the dreaded clutch judder from the AP 4 paddle clutch!!! HAHAHAAHHAHAAHHA you may have a point with the rebuilding idea!!!....seems i may be buying other peoples problems at the moment!! will open one up and see what happens!!! regards andy
  18. only kicking out 310bhp and i have done two boxes in 8 weeks.....nightmare.... the RA one only lasted 300 miles but it felt a bit suspect.....crunched occasionally going down to third and a mild whine from it sh@t happens hahahahhahaha when can i get the prints col???? regards andy
  19. Blew another gearbox.....RA this time....been in for less than 2 weeks....300 miles!! going into andy f's to get it remapped and detuned to 200bhp...maybe that way i will be able to find a bow that will last!!! hahahahhaha.....anyone else having gearbox issues????.....surely i cant be alone on this one!! any pointers/wise comments would be greatly appreciated ie are the uk spec boxes as tough as the wrx imports??....newer ones stronger or am i going to have to bite the bullet and go for the sti 4-5-6 gearbox?? help help help regards andy......
  20. i got it plumbed into the old cavy trackcar to test it b4 i stick it in the scoob!!! controller ordered tonite on ebay maybe have it on the corsa for the 29th and go scoob killin woohoo regards andy..........
  21. get it tail happy....eliminates understeer and makes for quicker entry and exit speeds...but if you shut off mid corner you will be picking kitty litter out o your rims for weeks hahaha just go standard mate....take it easy for a few laps then you will be flying!!!! scoobs do well up there....loads o grip even when you get it slightly pear shaped....full throttle usually pulls them straight!!! have to agree with gumball on the oil situation though regards andy
  22. got nos sitting with 100bhp jets in it....direct port wet!!!...but no point till i get a stronger gearbox....iv heard the sti4-5-6 boxes will hold 420-450bhp with no problems squirrels the man to ask i think!!!! regards and ps....sorry for not sticking the three comments in one post lol....
  23. and then blew the gearbox on way home from dastek....so your AA man is spot on i think fitted an RA box this weekend and it hits the limiter at 7000rpm in 5th at 130mph not good for road but will be interesting up KH regards andy
  24. FMIC, fuel pump, induction and decat gave me 310.8bhp spoke to andy f about a turbo off an sti and he said it wasnt any better than a good old TD05 regards andy
  25. nice pics col.....had a top day as per usual....my old cavy went all day with no probs....best fun you can have for £50 without having to nip through to edinburgh hahahahahah rusty's yellow xr2 was performing well all day...he gave the 70k porsche a seriously hard time for 2-3 laps!!! and thats alway nice to see!!!....he also put quit a few yellow marks on the the cavy.....hahaha rubbins racing harry.....RUBBINS RACIN!!!! regards andy
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