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Everything posted by t5nyw

  1. 1. Little Vodka Goblin (booked) 2. Sir Goofy + 1 (booked) 3. Scoobyjoff + 1 4. Don (booked) 5. Frenchy (booked) 6. Chris W + 1 (Booked) 7. ScoobieFloz (Booked) 8. stum450n 9. scoobro + 1 (Booked) 10. benmic92 + 1 11. T5NYW (Booked) 12. Emmielou + 1(Booked)
  2. 1. Little Vodka Goblin (booked) 2. Sir Goofy + 1 (booked) 3. Scoobyjoff + 1 4. Don (booked) 5. Frenchy (booked) 6. Chris W + 1 (Booked) 7. ScoobieFloz (Booked) 8. stum450n 9. scoobro + 1 (Booked) 10. benmic92 + 1 11. T5NYW
  3. Can't make this now got to work I'll post my Ticket to you Kim, if you manage to sell it put the money in the SIDC pot Tony
  4. I did aswell got a Pic of you next to the BRZ
  5. :iagree: Yes a Crackling day Yes Don seemed to enjoy himself LOL Tony
  6. Either meet us at Prescott or 10am The Swan Whittington Worcester WR5 2RL Tony
  7. Ha ha not doing car keys into pot this time. Nick had to fake it LOL Tony
  8. meet 29th April We will be meeting at Prescott Hill climb TBC aslo posted here http://bbs.scoobynet.com/midlands-england-23/932259-worcs-and-hfd-meet-prescott-29th-april.html http://www.facebook.com/T5NYW#!/events/240282179402799/?context=create We will be meeting at the swan inn eckington near junction 7 M5 Worcester 10am 1) T5NYW - YES 2) KEV1 - YES 3) AWDsu - YES 4) MERLIN - YES 5) Adam - YES 6) JohnPye -YES 7 Garethdalley - YES 8)UK300Terry - YES 9)P1-CJV - YES 10)KeithSP - YES 11) Rescue Dude - meeting us there. 12) WESS 13) Rocko_01 14) Ian KS Tony
  9. Stopping the night in Stratford the nigght before a few beers maybe drunk
  10. RIP Bob
  11. Cross Roads Subaru Meet 1.Goofy 2.Little Green (Vodka) Goblin 3.Nike 875 4.Buttons 5.Bakerzone 6.Don 7.T5NYW just the one Pig? 8.KEV1 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Tony
  12. :laughing4: We are hoping to organise a rolling road day on the Saturday 21st at TDR Why don't we stop at Warwick in stead of expensive Stratford?? Tony
  13. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

  14. :English-flag:
  15. Thanks I kind of like it as well . Normally have two Black saloons aswell
  16. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

    Nice pics Tony
  17. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

    .1. Goofy 2. Warrior08 3. Little Green Goblin 4. Frenchy 5. Nike875 7. Buttons 8. Sarah300 9. . T5NYW 10. Slev 11. Bailey73 12 Sportka 13. Bakerzone 14 KEV1
  18. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

    teddy mike no problem See you next time
  19. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

    1. Goofy 2. Warrior08 3. Little Green Goblin 4. Frenchy 5. Nike875 6. Matty WR1 7. Buttons 8. Teddymike 9. Sarah300 10. T5NYW
  20. t5nyw

    Washford Mill Pub

    Washford Mill Meet 1. Goofy 2. Warrior08 3. Little Green Goblin 4. Frenchy 5. Nike875 6. Matty WR1 7. Buttons 8. Teddymike 9. Sarah300 10. T5NYW
  21. Mark, The "people" are the Club Cars are just a different piece of metal I'm still freinds with 95% of the old skool worcs/leomin/hereford scooby gang even though some have moved on to other marques 10yrs ago. Yes you'll still get some friendly ribbing about the "Ford" but I'd expect the same if roles were reversed Regards Tony
  22. ]1. ScoobyRob 2. Merlin 3. Prodriverules 4. Ian KS 5. Andy 6. Kevin 7. gaz3010 8. T5NYW 9. Rob if not working 10. GREG 11. Red rocket if not working 12. KEV Ledbury 13. WESS 14. DAN 15. AWDsu 16. KAD 16v 17. Smarts...(Martin)..new member so be gentle lol 18. MicktypeWR1 19. Adam 20. Andy Scoob 21. KeithSP 22. JohnPye 22. FiremanKeith 23.
  23. Hi Andy great thanks, yes long time no see Yes meet up at the Bluebell or before if your over my way No problem Sh1te happens great to see you back Tony
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