Car got recovered at the wee guy's expense this afternoon. I knew one of his friends and had him pass a message on to say if it wasn't away by noon it would end up on his doorstep. Also told him it was wise to apologize to mum as she nearly had a heart attack when it happened, no sign of him yet...
Getting mixed stories from the gossip mongers around the town. Apparently he passed the breathalyser test (?) but still didn't have insurance. He better not get away with this! His grandpa is a retired, well known policeman in Dunoon and I wonder if he will be trying to pull strings to get him off
Also, the car that sped out of the drive got caught, but I'm hearing he was on foot when he was arrested. Just wish someone would come and tell us, think we have a right to know, surely?
At least it's away from the house now, but there is still glass and crap all over the drive, cleared as much as we could up but its gravel so not so easy to ensure it's all gone. Worrying every time we drive past it, and can't let the dogs near that bit for a while. Found out about 6 months ago he actually crashed his first car (Corsa). When I say crash, I am talking about him being at the top of the rest, going over the barrier and tumbling down into the valley where that wee house is (i.e the original rest and be thankful). His sister thought he should be dead already, she sounded rather annoyed he wasn't in the car when it went on fire - you can tell he is a good kid eh! Only 18 too, originally thought he was older. Apparently always comes out the other side smelling of roses! Surprised his mother hasn't frog marched him up to our house to apologize yet; if it had been me, my mum would have dragged me by the ear to deal with what I had caused!
Hoping the car not being there anymore stops all the wee bastewards coming up and snooping about the house at night now