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Everything posted by ace_tingtong

  1. Hi We haven't been able to participate in the runs for Santa Cruise but are hopeful that we can attend this year All charities are worthwhile so any run you decide on is good for us
  2. 'Sue'...baru Just thought I would share some pics of our new sport (although I can't seem to just attach a picture here, so have added a flickr link). It's to be used as my daily driver, while Gerard gets to play in Scrappy (aka the Bomber) So hopefully the era of us turning up to the meets in Mondeos/golfs/vans etc has ended... ;)I might even have to get my own user account on here, or at least renew his... It was a total bargain, with only a few wee things needing done really...so far! Need to get some new wheels and the dent in the nearside wing sorted/replaced. The exhaust is snapped but bandaged for now. For a car of mine, that's not bad Does anyone recognise it? Was living in Partick before moving across the water with us, Vicci
  3. It was one that Squiggle took when he listed it for sale. I've always liked it :)

  4. Giving you a comment seeing as you have none. You're a boaby ;)

  5. Hi there Just thought I would pop a comment on as I just noticed this post. We have a business in Dunoon called Ace Tyres which is a mobile tyre fitting van. I recently found out there was another company in Falkirk with the same name. Don't know anything about that one but if you ever need anything in our area - Gerard covers from Dunoon right round towards Helensburgh via the Rest and be Thankful - give us a bell on 07731 757666 or visit our facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001665183138 Hope you get your tyres sorted Dougs Scoob, and congrats on your first baby Vicci (Miss Tingtong as Gerard hates typing!)
  6. Congratulations Grant and Imy Have a great time organising the wedding! Grant, we never realised you were dealing with so much. I hope you make a full and fit recovery, stay strong, hope to see you both and the engagement ring in real life some time soon. Imy, well done on staying so strong, I also hope you are ok dealing with the stresses you both have at the moment. But there are always happy times, and getting engaged must be one of them We have our fingers and toes crossed that you get healthier soon Grant, lovely thoughts sent from Dunoon Vicci and Gerard
  7. Sounds like a very good, appropriate cause. Subaru should be involved with the Japan crisis considering the history. Not very creative when it comes to things like this but I would love to take part. Good luck with the idea formation . Our car will be back in action in the very near future and it is about time we got involved in the club again - this is as good a reason as any! Miss Tingtong!
  8. Hey Arch, I have sent a goat your way... Cheers for the pics Paul; I'll be popping them onto the Facebook page as we only have two pics of the van so far. .. Vicci
  9. Thanks for that Paul It's good to see happy customers. Hopefully one of these days Gerard will decide on graphics and the van won't look pikey any more! He is going to chase up that peninsula magazine, cheers for the info on that too. If anyone is on facebook please feel free to add Ace Tyres as a friend; I'm on there all the time so Gerard can get any messages you send (obv this site is a good one for contacting us too). Do you mind if i pinch the pics Paul? Happy driving on your winter tyres and thanks again for recommending us Vicci
  10. Nice to see another local in the group, the convoy from Helensburgh to the meets is getting nice and big now Welcome along, will give you a wave if I see you about
  11. Welcome, enjoy your scoob, it's a good 'un. Maybe see you at a meet or two
  12. Sold a good number of cars on gumtree, it makes a huge difference having different area pages, means you can search the whole site or just the ones nearest you. The fact that it's free usually wins me over Good luck with the sale
  13. I wrote P......M and I get I touch goats? lol!
  14. Cheers for the reccomendation Paul, consider a I touch goats Scooby222 Gerry at Ace Tyres
  15. It's only been in Hunter's Quay twice since we put it back on the road last week. Been considering bringing it back up the road but don't think our drive will allow it after that winter we just had You been in Dunoon recently? There's a few scoobs here now, been building that last few years, mainly because of us lot though
  16. It came off the road as the clutch was on its way out. We got it fixed just in time for the Highland Fling but couldn't go as it had ran out of tax, MOT and insurance, along with all our money being sucked into the new business But, alas, it is back and just as satisfying as before . Of course, now it's insured under our motor trader's insurance so that made it easier to wrestle with the fact that is, after all, an expensive hobby! We only had to have it sail through the test and then stick a tax disc in it and we were good to go :D The feeling is great to be back in it after all those sad Mondeo months Roll on the next meet!
  17. Consider us in for the next meet, and this time, we won't be driving the mondeo Just got the scoob MOT'd, taxed and put on the business insurance today after eight sad months of it sitting in the drive feeling sorry for itself! Let the good times roll!
  18. True, but I have all the machinery now at full price At least I know it's all in good order I suppose. Never thought about the tyre pressure chart, here's hoping they did have one as I am still struggling to find somewhere to buy it! Just bought my lightbars etc so all I need now is the graphics, then you will see me following the convoys waiting for punctures Typical that they are selling everything I have struggled to find though hopefully the auction has some decent stuff, will need to check the listing the day before
  19. Sounds good, might take a gander at that cheers for the heads up
  20. Completed, all good questions worth answering
  21. Not good mate, hopefully you will get it sorted soon At least you got a pint out of it - there is always a silver lining hiding somewhere
  22. Hope you had a good birthday mate
  23. This kind of makes me relieved the scoob is off the road just now... until the Highland Fling The issue better be sorted by then or we are all buggered!
  24. fooking hell mate, what happened? was that a while ago? fecking saxos!! didn't understand why he did it either, but he was dragged round to the house by his dad and made to grovel, so that would appear to be the end of it what injuries did you sustain because of that wee d!ck? Hope you weren't too badly damaged, that was lovely car too
  25. Car got recovered at the wee guy's expense this afternoon. I knew one of his friends and had him pass a message on to say if it wasn't away by noon it would end up on his doorstep. Also told him it was wise to apologize to mum as she nearly had a heart attack when it happened, no sign of him yet... Getting mixed stories from the gossip mongers around the town. Apparently he passed the breathalyser test (?) but still didn't have insurance. He better not get away with this! His grandpa is a retired, well known policeman in Dunoon and I wonder if he will be trying to pull strings to get him off Also, the car that sped out of the drive got caught, but I'm hearing he was on foot when he was arrested. Just wish someone would come and tell us, think we have a right to know, surely? At least it's away from the house now, but there is still glass and crap all over the drive, cleared as much as we could up but its gravel so not so easy to ensure it's all gone. Worrying every time we drive past it, and can't let the dogs near that bit for a while. Found out about 6 months ago he actually crashed his first car (Corsa). When I say crash, I am talking about him being at the top of the rest, going over the barrier and tumbling down into the valley where that wee house is (i.e the original rest and be thankful). His sister thought he should be dead already, she sounded rather annoyed he wasn't in the car when it went on fire - you can tell he is a good kid eh! Only 18 too, originally thought he was older. Apparently always comes out the other side smelling of roses! Surprised his mother hasn't frog marched him up to our house to apologize yet; if it had been me, my mum would have dragged me by the ear to deal with what I had caused! Hoping the car not being there anymore stops all the wee bastewards coming up and snooping about the house at night now
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