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mystery machine

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Everything posted by mystery machine

  1. Hello and welcome to the forum Tasty classic you have there - very nice Did you buy your Scoob from Kaim Park Garage? I don't have any history on the car - just asking out of curiosity
  2. Aw shucks - sounds like I've been misuninformed again Next you'll be telling me that I shouldn't be using Ragu to flush out my engine oil...
  3. Ta John I especially appreciate that as I'm more accustomed to being referred to as something that rhymes with 'witty'
  4. That's the beauty of the BCs, isn't it - that you can adjust ride height without affecting geometry or ride quality. After my warranty's gubbed, and when the Subaru shocks start to knock again (as they inevitably will), I plan to go the BC route too.
  5. I have it on good authority that Kerry Katona suffers that very same afflication
  6. Which is kind of ironic, given all those exclamation marks
  7. Well put it this way, I've never said that I would turn up for a meet and then not turned up, so I have a clean record so far... Well, when I say 'clean', I mean clean for a meet-dodgin', charity-avoidin', OT-postin', modification-fearin' gabshyte
  8. Your new suspension setup sounds fabbo, Barry Tell me - how did you decide on what would be the best ride height?
  9. Although legend has it that he still burns just as much rubber as he used to
  10. Alright, alright - I said I'd try to come to a meet next year!
  11. Does that bollard serve any other purpose than to potentially entrench itself into some poor unsuspecting punter's motor? You have to wonder if it isn't a regular occurrence when someone's actually gone to the trouble of leaving a traffic cone in front of the adjacent one...
  12. John, I liked your post - and I don't care WHO calls me an erse-licker for saying that Well said as always
  13. This thread is starting to read more like "How Good Was Scottish Scoobies ?" Nothing wrong with celebrating the past, of course - but it can be great again... can't it?
  14. Still can't get over you selling it! And, unlike either of the four birds in the last pic, your motor actually had a rear end worth admiring
  15. Grant Nice splitter - where did you buy it and who fitted it, if you don't mind me asking..... and how much did it set you back? (I'm getting cheeky now). Cheers mate
  16. THAT IS THE STUFF OF NIGHTMARES http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=122140 Can only assume that you take the trouble to clip your cat's claws... apparently not everyone bothers (assuming my car's assailant wasn't feral, that is ). What are you driving now, out of curiosity?
  17. ^^^ I defy anyone to go 'one louder' than the JW340!
  18. I'm one of those lowlifes who doesn't pay for full membership, hasn't contributed to any of the charity events and doesn't turn up for any of the meets (although hoping to do something about that last one after the winter)... The only thing I can say in my defence is that I do make every effort to wave to other Scoobyists Despite all that, I find this to be a mostly very friendly wee place, frequented by mostly genuinely helpful, good-willed and humorous people. To date, I've had only one member treat me directly in what I considered to be a wholly shabby manner - and anyone who's spent time on a variety of internet forums will tell that's not bad going in over a year's worth of posting! So the answer is an emphatic 'yes' - Scottish Scoobies is very good indeed
  19. I never tire of seeing that pic... honestly, it's so clean you could make it dirtier just by looking at it!
  20. I think we've exchanged waves a couple of times, at least once in my old blue hawkeye WRX - near the Riverhouse restaurant if memory serves
  21. Magic Ambience courtesy of Photoshop, eh? Funny thing is, as many times I've driven to work and seen sunrises that really were as golden and majestic as your edited pic, but I've never actually made the effort to snap a photae. My cheapo digikal camera properly wouldn't do much of a job of capturing it, mind... the eye sees so much more than yer average DSC.
  22. I thought it was something that Subaru had come up with as a sort of homage to all those poor beggars who'd received a tongue-lashing from the missus after coming back from Andy Forrest's a few quid lighter: Wife's Raging, X-rated Hence also 'RA': Raging Again 'RB' (5, 320, etc): Repeated Bollocking and, finally: She's Totally Irate
  23. Ah! For a minute I thought there was some picturesque part of Fife I had yet to discover (too many hedgerows for Fife, I 'spose ). I love that golden hue you've captured from the low sun in the cloudy sky
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