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About stum450n

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  1. Was hoping to take the kids up but don't have them that w/e. Still up for it if you don't mind adding a focus to the mix lol 1. ScoobieFloz 2. ScoobyJoff? 3. Stum450n Had to work through every other show this year. Determined to get to at least one
  2. Has its perks
  3. Nice! In a similar vein, I had some fun last week at work intercepting the photos taken by Google for the new 'indoor street view' and then photoshopping the results before giving them back. Adding ACME white painted interiors à la Daffy Duck, hologram phones, mongooses in offices etc. quite fun
  4. There's one in Chard if I remember rightly.
  5. As sad as it is Rach, you've gotta do what you've gotta do and things will balance themselves out in the end.
  6. It's an issue with invision from what I can tell - that isn't changing. Think your best bet if it happens again is to submit a support ticket rather than relying soley on pm
  7. It happens, not a huge issue IIRC. Sure it will be sorted soon enough
  8. Who did you contact and when? On my mobile so can't sort anything but I'm sure Kim or Don will sort as soon as they're able
  9. Read TG, this very thread is in there this issue.
  10. You're more than welcome to look at routes mate As most of the Lechlade meets have been after work, run outs will have to be reasonably short. Big ones (25-40 miles) work well on a Sunday aftrnoon (in my experience anyway)
  11. Inlet manifold. You can't see the exhaust manifold what with it being under the car
  12. For animation 24fps is the standard - I use 48fps. PAL recording is either 25 or 50fps and gopro's are 60fps IIRC Would recommend around 50fps and get yourself a decent floating mount to avoid judder from the car's movement
  13. Does it matter? Surely everyone has different reasons for using the forum? Some post once to say hi and then go back to lurking, some post regularly but specifically Subaru related and some see it as a social environment for chat and banter. It's all things to all men and that's the beauty of a forum - Facebook, twitter et al have to be one or the other - a forum is whatever you make of it. My one small point would be to make more use of the search tool and look in the suggestions thread before making suggestions - it's hard for us not to come across as negative when we have to say "tried that", "suggested that last year", "we did that but nobody used it" etc Personally I think that as a member, it's your forum to be used as you wish (within reason, for the benefit of other members). Everyone will have an opinion but as long as you're doing what you feel is in the best interest of the wider community, why should it matter how frequently or infrequently you post? After all, the forum is only one small part of the club.
  14. Jesus dude! When did that happen?!? Hope you're okay and get well soon
  15. We certainly do - mainly Frenchy posting in her spare time though. It's not a feed of website or forum content.
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