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Everything posted by kaylz_555

  1. Hmmm could be fun to do...without the eyes in the windscreen of course!
  2. I got this model the other day as a pressy for G. It's stunning only 514 in Europe! 1:43 scale. Toshihiro Yoshida/ Kazuhiro Koizumi Really thinking about reproducing its beauty on our new scoob Quite an expensive job but worth the while ! The only difference is it will poss be on a classic...don't know if it suits the new age better though! What you guys think classic or newage? Fujitsubo hpi Impreza 2006 (#2)
  3. That is a cracker mate...jealous !!!!!
  4. 1. Nanaki 2. mctwistuk 3. mctwistuk's better half 4. Andy - 100% 5. imy 6. Mr Kebab Nemesis 7. Mrs Kebab Nemesis 7. Paul555sti 8. st3ph3n 9. Nicola 10. Gordyq 11. STI Pretender 12. Mrs STI Pretender 13. NKWRX 14. G.T. (will sort you out with a raffle prize mate) 15. Gus The bus ( I will too ) 16. STi_Bandit 17. Bandits Babe 002 or was it 003 18. JamesM 19. Mrs JamesM 20. empty_heed 21. empty_heeds friend 22. Ally-b 23. Mrs-b 24. Playsatan 25. Mrs Playsatan 26. JohnnyR6 27. Mrs JohnnyR6 28. Squiggle - 100% 29. Terzo neil - 100% will donate some spirts 30. jimser 31. caitlin 32. marky.t.s 33. scary mary 34. wee marky.t.s 35. Irish Al 36. Lyndsey 37. Neofox 38. Neofox's other half 39. Stubaroo 40. Mrs Stubaroo (Lindsy) 41. Coulty 42. Coultette 43. Bobby C 44. Mrs Booby C 45. Greersport 46. Greersport 47. Meercat 48. Meercat 49. Scooba 100% 50. Whitey 100% 51. Whitey's misses 100% 52. Scoobymark 53. Misses Scoobymark 54. Jnr Scoobymark 55. G.Mac Reserve List 1. Wilky 2. Mrs Gus the Bus 3. Kaylz _555 4. Mr. Kaylz_555 Must have noticed this too late to fit Would be a 100% too!
  5. you're just jealous 'cause you probably couldn't do it!!!
  6. If you bare the cheesy music in the background it's well worth a watch....just goes to show we can do it too, can't we ladies Girls drifting
  7. Be careful of some worn parts, seats, gear knobs etc... must be some overweight japs that they import them from! Apart from that just the usual, there's not a great selection and as Playsatan2 said, the mileage is high in a lot of them. Trade in prices aren't very competetive either but I'm sure if you went with cash you would get a deal. Personally I wouldn't waste my time but if you find a real beauty (which can happen) then go for it...just make sure you do a thorough check i.e. bodywork and underneath. But there 1k brake supra is mint...or it was last time we were there! Kaylz
  8. I'd have to say standard too mate, although I see they are already for sale, they look too bulky for the smooth lines!
  9. The guy we got it from bought it from someone in Edin and had it for 8 months and then we went to Perth to get it off him! She's been around a bit eh!
  10. Pics now added! Found a good road back through Abbington services turn off and up to come in through Whitburn, although we took the Hyundai Getz so that was some speed my scoobs sitting there for sale and we remembered the Getz runs on air so nice cheap journey! - more money to drink Yeah he was shocked to see the car and didn't want to go the wedding party...just wanted to go a drive I only had a phone for pics so they're not the best!
  11. Cheers folks! Will see what we can do!
  12. Is there anything decent to do in Gretna Green on a Saturday? We're going down tonight from Falkirk (approx 120 miles away) sisters wedding tmrw! We'll be in the other scoob R619 LSF so give us a wave or flash if you see us! We'd be aswell to make a weekend of it so trying to think of any "sightseeing" things to do or even any good runs? Cheers folks! P.s. The wedding car is a black import volvo 850R, don't think it's a T5 though but its still 250-270 bhp....its mint..and got some size of brakes! (was on pistonheads) full tints, 18" alloys, rear spoiler etc most standard stuff but still gorgeous! She bought him as his wedding present and he won't see it till she gets brought to the ceremony place!. Pics of it to follow! Even a funky twisty road to go down there on instead of the M8
  13. Well judging by the pictures, most other scooby drivers I've went passed seem to like the one fingered teaser or the two fingered pleaser I think the rocker looks harder grant Come to think of it....I try not to wave sometimes as I drive about in my wee Hyundai Getz work van all day so I've waved a good few times and got some funny looks...but u r a generous lot 'cause you all seem to still wave back anyway!!!
  14. ...Convert to gas? just a thought..it's only about £1800 to get it done
  15. Here's a few good waves... LOL
  16. Pffft...Come on that would be pushing it don't you think? Like I said you might lose control of her.... It would be quite funny to get the 2 hands giving thumbs up tho....can't really see me doing that on a twisty road right enough!
  17. *hysterics* too true...it's probably even funnier when you do it when you haven't quite seen the driver yet...when it turns out to be a wee old man and he's convinced it must be someone he knows...but isn't quite sure. Or...He turns round and looks at you like your a weirdo! I think that guy must have been confused at my mad wave...as if I thought he knew me! Jeezo we'll need to come up with something better.... or is three fingers pushing it... Hmmm
  18. Ok, so yeah you wave, they wave back - its like a bond, like a connection, like your in love with the same woman... to the point, whilst out on a drive through to Polbeth on Monday night we passed a nice blue wrx stopped opposite at the traffic lights. I was like "wait for it..." as we chug past him in the (Shhh..) sport - (which is fully dressed in a nice sti suit ) he gave us a wave and I went over board and started madly waving back in hysterics. Gordon and I were talking about the "wave" and the way everybody seems to have it down to a fine art. It seems to be a certain way that only Scooby drivers seem to do it! We've called it the "2-finger-wave" where the rest of the hand is still on the steering wheel - in the middle may i add, and only 2 fingers seem to go up. There seems to be loads of different waves for different "clubs" or "groups" for example....kayakers do this weird (and somewhat hilarious) wave with there thumb + pinky and wave it back and forward as if there telling you to go to phones for u....don't ask how I know that.. So to round this pointless topic up we were trying to think of all the other waves there are for other clubs, Do you guys know any? I think we should make a new exciting wave...instead of the, "I'm going to lose control of the car if I take my whole hand off" kind of wave. Apologies in advance...lol
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