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Everything posted by kaylz_555

  1. It's looking very nice Paul. Nice touch. Kaylz
  2. Looking for an RB5 or two. Also looking for a Forester STI.

  3. How are you getting on buddy!

  4. Excellent thread. Really looking great. All that effort is well worth it
  5. That's a wee shame Gus. That's bullying!!
  6. They had them for years at Castlecary. Almost went bald with stress in traffic in mornings then figured out the knack that you can generally tell if they are on via the infrared light. Obviously easier at night to tell but if you really focus on them during the day, you can tell which ones are on or not from a distance. Used this theory for around 2 years and never got "done" for speeding once.
  7. Prefer standard one....but then prefer standard scoobs. If you like it, get it
  8. Has anyone had a shot of the Chrysler 300c, estate...seems pretty comfortable!
  9. Had a look at the FRV - I think that's what you meant. It's not bad. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2007-57-Reg-HONDA-FR-V-2-2-i-CTDi-SE-6-SEATER-6-SPEED-/270735306547?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f0914ef33#ht_1120wt_1141
  10. You don't get many cars with a full sized seat in the middle! The focus will do for the two kids but the car we buy needs to do for three car seats, we don;t want to have to buy again once we've bought it, for a good 5 years anyway, till it's booster seats.
  11. Thanks mate. Was hoping to avoid anything like a Vauxhall, Renault or Peugeot....but as soon as the word "family car" comes into play - those are the first three!!!...apart from Citroen! Totally stuck. Think we might just need to get a classic to play with and a sensible (in all aspects) estate.
  12. Seatbelts and room in the back is an issue for the car seats unfortunately.
  13. It depends on the car but now it will be under 10k. Approx 60 miles a week! Don't like other scoobys apart from sti forester can't find a decent one at the right price.
  14. We've been looking at getting a new scooby for a good while now and recently went to test drive the 330s, the wrx sti hatch and the gb270 wagon. Problem is, we can't fit the pram etc in the boot of the scooby which may soon need it's double attachment. There's also the issue with the length of the seat belts being a pain in the arse to get car seats in and out of as the tensioner lock comes on so easy and you can't get it to release...which isn't any use with a screaming baby! The hatch has been ruled out. It's too smooth. There's so many reasons why it's been ruled out even though it's a lovely car. GB270 was lovely and spacious. But buying a limited edition to put two kids in the back seems like a waste of money as it would just get ruined...two toddlers? (also one of above reasons). So now we're stuck. A Subaru doesn't seem like an option Where did you go from here? Nothings going to be quite like a Subaru or even remotely like it but there must be something that would give some satisfaction? We do have the other family car (my focus 1.8 tdci) but to keep the baby (s) out of the subaru isn't going to be an option due to change in circumstance. To top it off, the budget that was available for the 330s a few months ago isn't there now as we've just bought a house. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. We need to do something in the next month. The scooby is currently for sale. Changed priorities eh?.... Edited: to add - it would be good to be able to fit 3 car seats in the back as that's impossible with the wrx. So it needs to be quite wide.
  15. found this if anyone is thinking of getting a Tachometer (Shift light) gauge only place i could find anything about this. ( wrxtuners.com ) hope this helps someone. Most people will say that this gauge is useless. When ever I go to the track it is nice to concentrate on driving the car down the track without having to look at the center gauge. When you learn your power curve (you know when you stop producing power) so it is time to shift up. You can set your shift light at that point of your RPM’s, so the shift light tells when to shift. So you do not redline from excitement and you are racing to your car’s to the best possible limit for great run times. Mount the gauge after you remove your stock gauge cluster. This will make running the wires for power, Illumination and ground for the tachometer and all other gauges easier. Wiring This is how I connected my wires and have connected them for years there are other ways but this has worked the best for me. First DISCONNECT YOUR NEGATIVE CONNECTOR TO YOUR BATTERY! Now you will want to follow the color code provided by the instructions of your manuals of your gauges fro m the back of the gauges to the following on your Subaru. I ran three spliced wires from the back of the clock pod. If you look where the connector to the back of the clock runs you will see they are actually labeled. You may cut the tape and tie wraps to gently pull more slack in the wire to help your splice job. Accessory 12v switched is the Yellow wire with Blue stripe Ground is the solid Black wire Illumination is the White wire with Red stripe Run your spliced wires to the central point of where the gauges will be mounted. Splice them together accordingly with the wiring diagram per the gauge brand. This can be done with a connection block or wire nuts. The tachometer requires a sender to be spliced take the corresponding wire for the tachometer and splice it to the wire attached to the green clip that was attached to the stock gauge cluster that is all the way to the right above the speedo side and splice it to the solid blue wire which is the sixth wire to the left. When you are finished splice correctly put everything back together, re-attach your negative connector on your battery and enjoy your gauges.
  16. its got individual coilpacks on the spark plugs what i can make out. would have to remove stuff to see where the wires go. cant find anything about this on the web but iam sure someone has wired this gauge before
  17. hi looking for some help with my tachometer boost gauge wiring. Well just the tachometer bit. It says electronic ignition connect the green wire to tachometer pulse output or neg- to the coil but where is the pulse wire. Has anyone fitted a rev counter gauge to there car that could tell me what wire to use as it will not have a coil i can use that ? my car is an 03 plate wrx
  18. looking good mate
  19. Thanks guys, much appreciated, it's a 2003 blob. Shall get on the phone immediately.
  20. Very nice - look at that shine!! Not sure about the foreign object in the middle though!
  21. Purchased spoiler for G and he had someone else fit it - all be it incorrectly. Problem is, he has been working away for nearly a month and when we had that heavy rain for a while back it's leaked. It actually filled up the whole spare wheel compartment and was above carpet level in the boot!!!! = Progressing to seep through the back seats - so much so that when you pushed down in the material the water filled up around your fingers. :( I discovered this by looking for something in the back of the car while he was away. Since this, I have done a very hilarious silicone job. Trust me, when you are lifting spoilers and have a pregnant belly while trying to silicone seal...it gets messy with things like baby bumps getting in the way! The original spoiler couldn't go back on because there were holes drilled for the new spoiler. So to sum it up, we had a scorching two weeks and it's dried it out - I removed the wooden support base for the carpet although it's all warped The carpet is all water stained and has gone "curly" at the edges. Which brings me to the problem needing urgently solved, The back seats have a mesh layer over the material and the whole driver side is all water marked and starting to smell Anyone in the central region that you can recommend to valet and save our car !!??? I would wash it myself with our upholstery cleaner but it's got that mesh and I don't want to damage it. Should I pour rice on the seats? - someone recommended that to me? Oh and while I'm at it - anyone that can recommend a place to get a spoiler fitted "correctly". No picture requests of the silicone job please!!
  22. Just what we need aswell I'll fix the list for you... 1. Performance Friction Z-Rated pads front Brembo - Arch 2.Westtra 3.Sco UK 4.STI Pretender 5.Kaylz555 (Red stuff)
  23. Waiting on a promised goat sir! Cheers
  24. Think that was Gordon's intentions I need to buy him one now - kept him amused for hours! Thanks again John, you did well to get through all the stress! And the team effort went down well! No probs Imy , have to say it did take a bit of effort it was boggin'!!!! But it's absolutely gorgeous Oh and John - we defo need the barrier police at any future events! I mean er.. Fiona That was so funny - we're stilllaughing at so many things - I think the banter was what made the weekend for us both apart from the actual rallying. Cheers, G&K
  25. Awww Grant - here's what you missed ... Just for you (my favourite video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FuxUDuYdbg Go to: More from (user) in the right hand column to see th rest of the videos. You will also see the "RC Jim Clark rally " http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osIADtjFKEE...re=channel_page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Joyn8er4Goc...feature=channel - Check the pro RC drifter out eh? And Strike.... A bit of persuasion and a mention of the club got me that seat and picture I was still smiling by Sunday
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