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Everything posted by kaylz_555

  1. ...Convert to gas? just a thought..it's only about £1800 to get it done
  2. Pffft...Come on that would be pushing it don't you think? Like I said you might lose control of her.... It would be quite funny to get the 2 hands giving thumbs up tho....can't really see me doing that on a twisty road right enough!
  3. *hysterics* too true...it's probably even funnier when you do it when you haven't quite seen the driver yet...when it turns out to be a wee old man and he's convinced it must be someone he knows...but isn't quite sure. Or...He turns round and looks at you like your a weirdo! I think that guy must have been confused at my mad wave...as if I thought he knew me! Jeezo we'll need to come up with something better.... or is three fingers pushing it... Hmmm
  4. Ok, so yeah you wave, they wave back - its like a bond, like a connection, like your in love with the same woman... to the point, whilst out on a drive through to Polbeth on Monday night we passed a nice blue wrx stopped opposite at the traffic lights. I was like "wait for it..." as we chug past him in the (Shhh..) sport - (which is fully dressed in a nice sti suit ) he gave us a wave and I went over board and started madly waving back in hysterics. Gordon and I were talking about the "wave" and the way everybody seems to have it down to a fine art. It seems to be a certain way that only Scooby drivers seem to do it! We've called it the "2-finger-wave" where the rest of the hand is still on the steering wheel - in the middle may i add, and only 2 fingers seem to go up. There seems to be loads of different waves for different "clubs" or "groups" for example....kayakers do this weird (and somewhat hilarious) wave with there thumb + pinky and wave it back and forward as if there telling you to go to phones for u....don't ask how I know that.. So to round this pointless topic up we were trying to think of all the other waves there are for other clubs, Do you guys know any? I think we should make a new exciting wave...instead of the, "I'm going to lose control of the car if I take my whole hand off" kind of wave. Apologies in advance...lol
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