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Casper Spec D

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Everything posted by Casper Spec D

  1. I've got them on my spec D actually my second set wear well good in wet great in the dry too Quality try tyre trader they where the cheapeast when a got them.
  2. I have around 350bhp and 388ft/Lb torque and boosts to around 21psi and backs off to 19psi but mines is a 2.5L and I think yours is a 2.0L as its japanese import.hope that helps oh and the car was mapped by Andy F
  3. Don't know where your coming from but drove from Fort willaim to Inverness and the road is amazing and as the other's said up the side of Loch Ness is stunning.
  4. The exhaust must emit noise to the same level as a standard system on same model. So how does this work with a car which has a prodrive kit which includes a louder none standard exshaust from the origanal model?Should they all fail as they are not at the same level as the stanard exshaust?
  5. Can you just not get the strut overhauled my mate did for his fto after it colappsed think there is a tein service and repair guy in milton keynes.
  6. Isn't this just not the end old arguement that apears between all the ages of subaru,classics don't like newage and vice versa the new one is different because for years everyone seen the impreza as a saloon, well the market plan has changed for subaru so hence the shape we have now.It's like anything it's progression, Oh and the engine in the new one is different from the hawkeye as it doesn't have froged internals but cast pistons of a higher grade than the wrx model thats also why they are giving more bother along with the problems on the map on the ECU so it won't take the punishment the same well So i have heard, But setting that aside I would have one anyday.
  7. I have the above its good as it bolts straight in and it has a smooth curve which you many not acheive with a flexi also it may kink due to tightness of bend.I think all in my delete elbow cost £43.85 with delivery and came in six days.which ain't bad once you see what it is but it's up to you mate.
  8. I never knew about that we buy any car thing and I just done a valution and well pleased
  9. I have to say I wave all the damm time and get very few waves back more crazed looks and well I Hardly been in the spotted section once.I think once
  10. I have only ever had to top it up slightly in between services maybe 100ml but I change the oil every 3500miles thats may be why I don't notice it as alot. I have heard thou that 2.5L does use a little more oil than the 2.0L
  11. 1. If your sidelights won't switch off look for the parking light switch on top of the steering column . 2.Use the search function on the forum before asking the same old question . 3. The best first mod for an impreza is the exhaust (backbox at least) 4. Buy a classic 5. Make sure you get regular quality oil / filter changes every 3 - 4000 miles 6. Always run the car on good quality fuel - V Power/BP Ultimate/Tesco 99 and add octane booster for safety in an unremapped import 7. Avoid "chip"ing an impreza - get it remapped by an expert like AndyForrest (Apexi for classics, ECUtek for newage) 8. Sell the Newage and buy a Classic 9. Always wait till the engine is nice and warm before giving it full pelt and let it cool down befrore switching it off 10. Upgrade your brakes before modding the engine 11. A VTA dumpvalve isnt really a good idea unless your car is getting remapped to compensate for it. It will momentarily make your car run rich as the ecu gives fuel for air which has been dumped and not recirculated. All you are missing is the gay noise. 12. Solid rear droplinks and a decent suspension geometry set-up are probably one of the best sub-£100 modifications you can do to a standard car. 13. new ages will undertseer when at the limit 14. If you have a classic get Strutt Braces. The improvement is outstanding! If you have a new age...no luck! loL! 15. Clean out the boost solenoid once in a while and dont fill engine oil right up to max. 16. Go to the SIDC track days at knockhill, you get free tuition from an instructor if you want (plus ensure you wear Cat boots far better that way!!!!) 17. Love every minute of driving and owning it (it will make handing over the credit card much easier 18. Goto meets/Knockhill/Crail and tell us who you are?We don't bite sometimes 20. Join the SIDC and you'll get discounts on insurance and dealer supplied parts in addition to track days. 19. For some obscure reason there is a lot of mention of goats & homosexuals in here. Do NOT let this put you off our forums. 99% of our members are "normal" but we are all fans of The Hoff. 20. Always prefill the oil filter when doing an oil change 21. Dont believe everything you read on the forums. 22. Send off for a Shell card 23. What ever BHP you get, you will never be happy 24. BLUE is the best colour. 25. Is your car standard? - leave it that way. 26. Watch out for the Impreza's "lift-off" oversteer. It's wicked, particularly on a wet Knockhill! 27. wave to other scoob drivers 28. never buy a set of lexus rear lights[+o(] 29. sidc love some photography of your beloved 30. dont sell your scoob you will regret it and will end up with another 1 31. The best place to hang out on saturday nights is at OSIDC 32. Modding is for MEN 33. Going JDM is for winners..........leave the chocolate UK's to the Willy Wonka lovers! 34.^^Andy speaks the truth, JDM is the way forward!! 35. K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid and don't mod what doesn't need modding (dump valves etc) 36. NEVER let the other half known how much youve spent on the car.she will be jelious! 37. Dont go to Halfords for your servicing parts - they are more likely to give you filters for a lada or skoda. 38. the bright button really does just make the clock brighter 39. Never believe anything read on Ebay 40. Never buy a impreza when you get 10 spare ST2 (spaceman) 41. CLASSIC ARE The GREATEST IMPREZA BUILT. 42. Try not run your impreza top end as the boxes dont last long(went through 3 last time) 43. Believe the petrol gauge - yes it does use that much! 44. if you have mudflaps watch when reversing near kirbs or they get caught on wheels and bye bye back bumper 45. Your steering wheel lock isn't broken, you're supposed to have to turn it 180 degrees before it engages. 46. Boost solenoid 'chatter' isn't necessarily indicative of a fault (although the Scoob moguls say it can be eradicated the by above-mentioned cleaning). 47. Uneven tyre wear is common. 48. 10 miles use out of a set of newage shocks isn't unheard of - but if you're still under warranty, they're covered. 49. The rear proximity alarm (on newer Imprezas) tells blatant lies in the rain. 50. Door panels dent quite easily. 51. It's won't stop entertaining you on twisty roads! 52. Never use the standard horn in an aggressive manner in a road rage situation, you will just look silly!! 53. You will find that Classic owners are really insecure: they talk about how good their cars are over their Newage counterparts. They be fooling themsleves but they soon realise not to listen to what TheWelsho has to say 54. Welsho knows as much about cars as Fish know about Riding Bicycles ! 55. you will find most newage owners have a huge chip on there shoulders because A) they have lost 3/4 of the value of there cars through depreciation over two years B.) they weigh a bloody ton C) they are almost all are blue with gold wheels D) they are jelous of there classic brothers who continually spank them round knockhill 56. Try not to hold your foot to the floor and do 140mph + for mile after mile, they dont like this and tend to go POP, Take it up have a play and bring it down again. 57. If water/coolant pissed out of the front bumper at the passenger side, then you have more than likely over filled your coolant (overflow pipe) and not burst a pipe. 58. You will find that Classic owners who have bought Newage quickly revert to classic's as they find out VERY quickly just how good the classics are compared to floaty newage boats 59. If in absolute doubt, ask the question. someone will know! 60. If you intend to mod your scooby to anything over 400bhp, you'd better off starting with a newage STI.Atleast you'll never need to replace the gearbox unless you are pure brutal. 61. Don't post Ken Block's Gymkhana vid. 62. Forget all this "Classics are this, New Ages are that" rubbish. ALL Scoobs are feckin ace 63. you will always stop what you are doing when you hear a scooby burble approaching... firstly to check its not your car but then just to check it out and listen to it going by 64. Buy the best parts you can afford so you won't need to upgrade them again later 65. Once you start modding it's hard to stop and newage 2.5's rule!
  12. Mee too! just thought it was something to do with the car as it was my first scoob.
  13. Hi mate see you got your droplinks I posted up last time when you were asking about the whiteline stuff I have the same droplinks all round and they are stiffer and you do get a bit of noise but they settle down after a while.As for the spherical ones whiteline said that they are not intended for our climate and will cause a shortened life of the ball joints hence why you where supplied with KL32's as was I from AWD.
  14. A exshuast is only deemed illegal by a M.O.T tester and the only thing the police can do you for is thru the asbo laws that are in place if the car is tested by a decible reader.Which is due to it being to loud and bothering other peope my freind had the same problem took it to a m.ot station and the guy said the exshuast was fine as it was whole thru its entire lenght,fitted the car and past the cat test so it met the legal requirements of a M.O.T and was fit for use.Stamped his ticket cost £20 and handed it in after photocopying it to stop any further tickets being issued.Hope that helps,it does sound a bit like wrong place wrong time as people said.
  15. Thanks very much for the part number found a website that delivers the lot in 24hrs for £52.
  16. Right here goes I have a 2006 2.5 spec D and want uprate the plugs to the 7B's does anybody on here know the plugs full part number or somewhere a can get them in the glasgow/Ayrshire area? cheers. Sorry stuck this in the wrong place.
  17. You said there isn't any smoke when driving but you could be burning oil still and the down pipe cat and the other boxes after that could be absorbing it and that's why you can't see it.I had a simalir problem with my old cavy turbo and when i went for a straight thru you then seen the smoke and it was the valve stem oil seal's.A hope you get it sorted mate
  18. Got to agree with Grant on this one.I have the same and it's ace if your going to do you might as well go all the way.
  19. Have to say that look's good but am not a fan of the new one,prefer a saloon any day.
  20. See if you can't get a air gun. you could try heating the nut slightly with a blowlamp and trying the break bar while someone taps the socket with a hammer.Have done this when stripping out big gate valve in steam lines when there ain't no air tools.
  21. I think the way a M.O.T is stated if it ain't there and not dangerous or effecting the safety of the veichle then you can't be failed upon it.Also the heaviest thing in a car is the glass get some plexy glass and you should get a fair bit of weight loss from that.
  22. This is also a craking looking car very clean. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/537360.htm
  23. Good to hear you family is okay mate.A hope the Tw*t gets whats coming to him.
  24. That is a nice car she has got there mate hope she enjoys it.
  25. Yeah and these are the guy's and gal's that get seen and get called idiots and everyone in a subaru gets tared with the same brush.
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