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Everything posted by Nelsdir

  1. Dunno if these have been posted before but heres a couple of track day incidents. Clean pants required (think its a Civic) STi8 takes to the grass Neil
  2. The MY99/00 were about 90 quid but the earlier ones inc. mine on my MY97 STi 4 come in at £200. Lucky I'm selling one at 1/2 that price [] Neil
  3. As my STi 8 is staying standard for the forseeable thats why I sold it. You shouldn't need it unless your changing breathing/boost etc. Neil
  4. You can now play 2.0 games like GTA and SOCOM on a 1.5 PSP as well so those of you who have backed up their pucker UMDs to ISO and use loaders don't need to upgrade your firmware [] Neil
  5. Only taken a week to get some taken [] 1st off a massive thanks to Russ at Eden Subaru for laying his hands on it and not giving in to the poor unfortunates that were asking about it before I gave him the cash !! Great service and I hope you got the fingerprints my daughter left off of all the cars in the showroom...... Car is mint and looks the nuts on the PFF7s and with the mudflaps. Want to be sensible and keep the warranty so its the PPP for me in June but the Prodrive spring kit will be on this month. Not as quick as the wagon (well it does have approx. 40 horses less) but I can hold a conversation above 40 mph now and at last I can stop - I have brakes!!! Couple of pics below: And yes - I know its boring WR Blue but I like it [] Neil
  6. You need to post in here m8 http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/624204/ShowPost.aspx [] Sti_Bandit plays AA I think. 'Mon the online gamers !! Neil
  7. Grant - PM'd you m8. Thanks folks - looking forward to picking it up. It has gold PFF7's on it already as well as the OEM STi mudflaps. Love the wagon but time for a change. Neil
  8. ** sniff sniff ** It's a good job that Russ at Eden Subaru has acquired me a MY53 STi Type UK to drive home in [] Expect much posting of pics and usage of Shells' finest over the weekend !! Neil
  9. Give Keith Michaels a bell - discount if you're paid up member as well. Quoted 615 for the STi8 I pick up tomorrow [] Beat A-plans quote which was reasonable as well. Neil
  10. Mine was the same - was also rough on a steady throttle below 2800rpm. Turned out it was the O2 sensor that was knackered. Neil
  11. It works!!!! - well done Willie and everyone else involved []
  12. It works!!!! - well done Willie and everyone else involved []
  13. It works!!!! - well done Willie and everyone else involved []
  14. Lauriston bypass about 13:00'ish mini roundabout headin' towards the "Grangemouth Stadium". Like the Reg plate Neil
  15. As you head from hillington over the roundabout to the shops just in on the left - couple of Traffics finest pulling mostly vans. Getting the once over - brake lights, tyres & indicators etc. Not seen any emissions tests yet though but someone in a blue transit is about to get a rectification notice for one brake light knackered Neil
  16. It should be a AA271 - orange label. £200.15 inc VAT new I have a spare from my MY98 STI 4. U are welcome to try/borrow mine and see if it gets u thru until you can get one next week?? PM me if u want it. Neil
  17. The old ones are the best..... Trick or Treat ???
  18. Any of the local peeps suggest what might be causing this???? If you're sitting patiently at the lights and think you hear incoming artillery rounds don't panic - that'll be me. Cheers, Neil
  19. At the opposite end to the end thats open 1/2" there will be a few "teeth" that you'll need to slide the box out of. Just push it in that direction and it should come out. It wont just lift straight up. Bit of wiggling should do it (oo-err ) Neil
  20. Standard discs on my classic 4-pots are warped so need replacing ASAP. Anyone tried DBA 4000's? If so - what pads - DS2500/Mintex 1144/55 ? Cheers, Neil
  21. Think your gonna get a few replies recommending a remap with all that extra air your flowing Forced induction/cold air kits without a remap can cause lean running = DET which is bad !! Who fitted it BTW as I'm looking to get one? Neil
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