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Everything posted by euan_r

  1. well width is a direct parameter rather than side wall which is a percentage if in correct. and 215 is what most classics run. so you wont rub. are you going lower profile? if not 215 will be about the max as bigger wheels are just upstepping by lowering side wall.have you got the car lowered as well? i dont have a lot of knowledge about tyres but this is my understanding
  2. well the elgin lot anyway. dont think the aberdonian lot like b-roads [] by the look of things
  3. surely any another sti and noo your sti, with you behind the wheel, dave []
  4. with the onset of winter and more wet days im actually looking to reduce width. wide tyres are crap in the rain and snow. bring on the snow []
  5. dont worry aint forgoten [] see you there
  6. works ok here took a minute cause of some error thingy. I think bandits done catalogue work before. []
  7. i will be generous and offer the straight swap for my tried and tested wagon. One carefull lady owner and lowish milage for age.Very lightly modified to give 820bhp@wheel []
  8. Children stop squabbling. Look whats happened to RO and monthly meets. ps would like to post about antics but cant, and getting wiser, hopefully
  9. great just what we need, more attention from the plod. what a twat doing the circuit. hope the kids alright as well.
  10. with that kinda loss looks like its got slurry instead of oil
  11. .....and it had a scoop on the bonnet no way.... i dynoed this weekend and was told i had 112bhp transmission loss [] ouch
  12. some collection there. [] fit like is the porche to drive. seen me a few times on flea bay considering one.
  13. unsure as yet m8. need to get my car on the rollers but there is japerformance day soon. will give u a bell later on tonight.
  14. just done mine today [] dont forget bolt and spark plug seals as well. [] oh well of for a
  15. i would do crank and cam. crank sensor is roughly below alternator. one bolt and one electrical conector. take it out and clean up the metal gently we a bit of sandpaper. cam sensor is further a long towards battery above cams. just the same again. think their inductive sensors and i guess any dirt will impede any magnetic signal. thats what i rekon anyway. When i had probs last year came across this suggestion somewhere and it worked for me.
  16. you might o seen is afore but at ruskies are mental http://www.metacafe.com/watch/42142/russian_style_driving/
  17. z4= import wrx z5=import wrx ra. they say z4 is better for uk fuel, as z5 is a tiny bit better but then we dont get 100ron.
  18. the asking price was 3K tidy car but not the full experience. wrx auto http://www.morganautos.co.uk/index.php?get...m&get_id=52 ps . it was an interesting test drive as i aint driven auto before and kept hitting brakes like it was the clutch hehe
  19. can confirm squirrels advice as happen on my old leggacy. was surprised what a wee sandpaper can do. thought it wouldnt work but done the job proper. They didnt even look manky but fairly worked.
  20. well its a wrx auto with some sti stickers. boy was told it had 340bhp when he bought it. fpmsl. was very tidy though. but on the plus side managed to get 214bhp at the wheels of my my94 uk wagon today. [] allegedly, through some gizmo thing that u enter weight into then level oot.
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