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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Going by a recent post on scoobynet about this very car its not as clean and unabused as the advert would make you believe.
  2. Keep them as they are mate! White wheels are a complete pain in the ar$e to keep clean, unless you like washing them every other day!
  3. Theres a thread over on scoobynet about the building of the car. It was done by ABW he then sold it and the new owner has spent more money on various other stuff. Looks pretty damn good. Doh just noticed the link to the thread in the advert
  4. I take it the BOS on the reg of that volvo is for Bag Of Sh@te
  5. Have you tried the Subaru specialists in perth? RA Motorsport or AWD
  6. I posted that over on scoobynet the other day, its good! How many bits will folk admit to being true
  7. My bugeye used to do that all the time never got it fixed before I sold it. I remember going back from up north with guys from the club and there's me with all the indicators stuck on getting weird looks from every car going the other way!
  8. Great roads! I often start from this end and head up that way. The road from braco over to comrie is one of my favourites and also the roads around the dukes pass and loch earnhead.
  9. The steak on a stone is available over here now, have a look on google! My mate has four sets and we have used them at work a few times
  10. Why not just get a bung for your exhaust and try and get on with out it and if you fail stick the bung in! Also would it not be easier and less hassle to change the back box for a quieter one rather than the headers?
  11. Dave I have forgotten how to drive as I haven't been in the Scooby in over a year but one of the last runs was over the pass chasing my mate on his 600cc bike
  12. As my mate often reminds me, what's the point in having a car that handles / corners well only to straight line right through them! Taking the apex should be kept for the track or at least your own side of the road. IMHO
  13. Anyone on here? The guys on scoobynet gave the clip a hard time cause of the driving but some even had the cheeky to slate the road! ( dukes pass )
  14. Aye but you will be thinking of ways to spend all that shut down cash
  15. Cheers Greg! That will be some extra beer tokens for the weekend
  16. Cheers I might stop off at the scrappy rather have the hassle of selling them.
  17. I have the old cats from my bugeye wagon and was wondering if there is any scrap value in them or am as well trying to sell them or just dump them cause nobody is going to want them!
  18. Looking good Chris! Welcome back to the fold!
  19. I see an old customer of yours has been treating himself! I take it you have a nice shiney Z4 on the forecort?
  20. The view from them is gash to be honest!
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