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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Never going to sell it Dave! It will be with me till i am deed! Might even get burried in it It will be back next year bigger and better!
  2. Membership has been paid, just awaiting it being activated but sadly i have decided that the car wont be out this year! More money going to be spent on the house and i have got used to the extra cash with no tax/insurance/fuel bills from the scooby. I do have plans for setting aside a fund for some improvements for next year though
  3. Cough ( awaiting activation ) cough Hint hint
  4. That's poor service Graeme! Has he been keeping in touch with you to let you know what's happening with it?
  5. We are screwed in this country and I can't see it improving for a long time! My classic has been tucked away for over a year now and to be honest I don't see it going back on the road anytime soon! I am enjoying not paying the tax / insurance / fuel and having a bit spare cash.
  6. Jock the refinery has plenty of storage tanks, so a one day blockade will have little or no effect and as Billy mentioned more than 50% of the cost of our petrol is tax! They will need to come up with other ideas that have greater effects!
  7. Trogg I totally agree with you! Blockading the refinery for a day will achieve nothing! They also changed the laws after the last time to make this illegal.
  8. I would imagine its about the rising fuel prices and they think by blocking the refineries for a day that its going to make the prices come down. ( never going to happen )
  9. Stunning! Not only wide body but one of my favourite sets of wheels as well!!
  10. If this is from facebook then there were only 59 folk signed up and they were dotted all over the country! I just hope i am not working on the 5th or i might never get to work lol
  11. Thought you'd been caught speeding for a minute
  12. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a proper flap and get somebody with huge balls to cut a hole in your roof for it! There have been plenty folk over on scoobynet done it and they look much better! ( although i am slightly bias )
  13. The prices are also pretty steep! Keep an eye on pistonheads and the forsale section on here and scoobynet! I would rather get one from an enthusist rather than pay a premium to a garage!
  14. Have got any form of knock detection? I wouldn't be taking the risk that you are! Have you not already spent a load on getting your engine rebuilt? Do you want to do that again for the sake of a few quid when filling up?
  15. Might try and get the car back on the road this year but more money is needed to be spent on the house anybody want her in doors and a couple of kids in exchange for some Scooby bits
  16. Grant Sorry to here you have sold the banana but there are more important things than these cars that we all love! And you have the bonus of having a good partner that will no doubt share hers with you Hopefully things improve for both yourself and Al this year!
  17. Would that not just be a stuck handbrake switch? ( could be totally wrong )
  18. Well done guys and all that voted for them! And lets not forget the new Bossman and vice Bossman ! Robert and Gus well done lads!
  19. Can do a long board but will this do?
  20. Well done to everyone one involved! Looks like I will becoming a paid up member again
  21. As we are so far removed from any of the events down south could the Scottish membership cash not stay in Scotland?
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