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Everything posted by paul555sti

  1. Stunning car! I would happily get rid of the classic for that! Its been getting a bit of a tough time over on scoobynet though http://bbs.scoobynet.com/scoobynet-general-1/891057-wrc-car-for-sale.html
  2. He has always been hard to beat and he knows what he is talking about!
  3. Not sure what year your car is but have a look here http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=24_156&products_id=1511
  4. I thought they were a three inch system?
  5. They will be 5 x 100 pcd I am not sure what offset but it's usually stamped on the alloy on the inside somewhere! The will fit all wrx and sti up to the wider track 2005 sti.
  6. Hope you all have a great time! I am off to Liverpool in the morning for a stag do! There will be something blue involved but unfortunately for the stag it's a midget in a smurf outfit with a set of handcuffs! :-)
  7. Arch i am sure Colin that did the track photography up at knockhill worked as a spark offshore!
  8. Very nice! My mate had a s1 honda powered elise and there wasnt much that he didnt manage to pass at knockhill! His wasnt as clean looking though due to some serious track milage including a years racing in the lotus on track series!
  9. No the bottom end i hope ( Worked at the glassworks for thirteen years ) Sorry to hear about the car but you are in good hands with Dunc.
  10. Dale that was my fault! The guy posted on an old thread on scoobynet on the Scottish section and I suggested he would get more luck over here!
  11. I remember watching the drilling rig series that was on the tv. The one they filmed in America onshore was seriously Scarey watching
  12. Dunc at hypertech in bonnybridge is the man to fit all your mods and like dunk says Andy F is the man to map it! Welcome to the club!
  13. Have you exhausted all other options? Are they not responding to any contact from you?
  14. Seems to be quite a lot of folk leaving before the new management have had a chance to improve the place! All the best for the future!
  15. Then scan the pictures on here for the rest of us
  16. Mind this is scotland so it would be square go club
  17. Exactly Frank! Hopefully after the coming AGM the club will be a little more open and honest with the members so they know the state / condition of the finances and this my help drum up support for the club! I became a member again after the price was dropped even though my car has been off the road for 18 months but i really dont see the benefit or saving to be had from the changes in the for sale and wanted section. If there had been complaints of people being ripped off then i could understand but when was the last time this happened on here? If the motive is to make people become members so they can sell stuff then i will be interested to see if this works. I have made some good friends on here over the years and hope this will continue
  18. It does seem very harsh to have done this when you can scroll down the main page of the forum and see some sections that havent been posted in for almost 2 years!! The posts that were already in the for sale section and wanted section should have been left there.
  19. Depending on the make/type of back box you might be able to get a bung made for it.
  20. Welcome back! I mind when there were loads of those avatars on here! It used to be my user name ( sheep )
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