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Everything posted by petenofear

  1. i see where u r coming from there parker mate look at last sunday down street wars it cost me in the end £55 just for me i will not b doing it again
  2. hiya sweety right what needs doing that u no of ,what year is the car i may b able to help on some bits as a mate as some scoobs breaking ,just to get the car back up on the road so u can trade it in for somthink smaller as the scooby is not for u at the mo i am more than welcome to help u get it all done
  3. b better next time lol i hope
  4. you r right there mate it was farting like a goodin
  5. well i think it was a good day any way approx 250bhp to 280bhp my classic and steves 418bhp i done well i dont care how one and far play to steve for getting the win that day i will b down the rolling road day to see what my bhp will b and have a good chat to see is i can get some more power and yes the 1/8 is far to short and i would love to do it again over the 1/4 to see how much he will beat me buy
  6. lol wont bad going mate was it
  7. steves times r 8.327 8.178 i just thought u would all like to see how petenofear and steve done head to head he beet me by 1,7th of a sec
  8. think u r going to have to make it a rocket for next time steve mate
  9. 1.petenofear, scooby 2.dar , honda type R 3.biglarry, ie , he not a member as he wont turn the pc on the cont lol lol ,scooby 4.ed , scooby 5, s.p/edmondo = spectating only 6.parker- having to leave at 1300pm 7.mat , integra type R so no one else up for it then ?
  10. cant rely on any one can we whats going on i may have some more but wont now tel the day as 3 cars r coming to mine and my mate said he may have some more meet at mine so lets hope they tean up as u lot dont seem to want to know lol
  11. hiya there jd i have been told buy my mate hel should b there with is honda type R plus he as some mates from work coming along one of them has a newish m3 bmw 480 bhp i think he said or 4 somthink but they will b there a little later but NOT guarranteed PLUS TO ALL U LOT OUT THERE WE CANT EVEN GET 10 OF U TO COME A LONG FOR A GOOD DAY OUT SO COME ON ITS ONLY NEXT WEEKEND NOW LETS ALL GET TOGETHER AND HAVE A REAR GOOD DAY
  12. its £20 for as many runs as u like mate just dont drop the clutch then lol make sure u bring a helmit and your driving lis as they will not let u run otherwise
  13. nothink round with Fea-bay i shop there most night lol got ALL my bits from there to put my scoob back together i love it i just cant stop going on there
  14. ya but if u look close its fxxked i puled it out so i could drive it but the car is nere on done now i have rebult the whole front end and had lots of new goodys fitted just need painting now
  15. hello boys and girls i am here at long last has been a right pain trying to log in never mind here now
  16. very good pics mate and a good day pic of me on me bonnet looks good lol
  17. very sorry all have not been able to log in but here now next time will b there
  18. exl mate well not sure if it will b done buy then but lets hope mate
  19. thanks mate i will take a look and hopfully my engine will b done and i may have a sticker kit on the old girl befor the 29th so we can have a chat in the flesh will prob have the miss and my 4 week old baby girl with as well
  20. i bet it is mate i cant wait to see the baby i am thinking of getting a sticker kit for mine but dont know where to get a kit
  21. got it mate i think 1 with the sticker kit 555 an one with out that u in the driver site mate
  22. thanks for that MonkiP1 thats not what my mate said its just what the bloke that he got it from when my car is done and mine is standard we r going to have a go for it down the old air field just to see what the dif is
  23. could not find your car mate its prob me like i said new to all this web and have not got a clue lol lol
  24. ok mate thanks for all your help have u got any pics of your car i can see thanks
  25. thanks what would a remap b like or is that just the same a being chiped
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