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Everything posted by petenofear

  1. pm send mate
  2. good one and hopfuly my scoob will b down for the next one
  3. good mate so we going to meet up again this year then mate
  4. so it is mate nice one
  5. is that it then mate not sure how fo see whos on line mate
  6. yes mate u do
  7. lol they do mate
  8. wel done ed lol
  9. happy new year to u all lets make it top
  10. sorry but same as ^ tiny
  11. i watch it and yes mate i have seen it very good
  12. no prob sorry for the delay my mate has the hole car for braking now so if there is any think that u need please give him a call and tell hime pete told u on 01308 867123
  13. he wants £150 for the rear diff if thats any good to u
  14. for all of u that came along to the street wars or any one that would like one there is a dvd of the hole day there is a small video clip of it on http://www.emotionfilms.tv/index.html i think it is about £15 u can get them at Kit Car Show at Westpoint this sat and sunday or u can email him to send u a copy take a look it looks good
  15. the cobra alarm is standered on your car mate if it plays u about again phone subaru as they may know whats up
  16. where is that then ( Lightwater Valley Nr Ripon ) i will put my name down if i know where it is
  17. i may have got u a dif just a waiting on a price and when he is going to start to stip the car down its of a uk turbo 96/97 as far as i am awear its the same
  18. i said no as whats the point in puting that on to u i was not to bothered its just i would like u all to know next time will b better i have emailed lee and just waiting for a reply very good day just not set up right
  19. iya all who turned up i think it was a good day BUT the so called stand we had was shxt any old jo public was aloud to park in where a stand was and i did not think this was right IF ANY ONE THINKS DIFF PLEASE SAY plus i payed a diposit and and we still all had to pay the ful amount to get in there was NO discount as promised from street wars and it cost me £35 to get in with out the run (£55) with thats with the diposit i payed (just for me so i think i will b getting on to lee at street wars to talk about next time i think the stand if we do have one next time shouyld b buy the Q for the 1/8 mile please let me all know what u think as i will not b getting done with this again thanks to u all pete
  20. iya all who turned up i think it was a good day BUT the so called stand we had was shxt any old jo public was aloud to park in where a stand was and i did not think this was right IF ANY ONE THINKS DIFF PLEASE SAY plus i payed a diposit and and we still all had to pay the ful amount to get in there was NO discount as promised from street wars and it cost me £35 to get in with out the run (£55) with thats with the diposit i payed (just for me so i think i will b getting on to lee at street wars to talk about next time i think the stand if we do have one next time shouyld b buy the Q for the 1/8 mile please let me all know what u think as i will not b getting done with this again thanks to u all pete
  21. yes mate i will leave it this time i think where they told us to go was not the best place we should of been up buy the Q for the 1/8 mile and where we was should of been for the general public and for them saying we would get a discount that was a bul was not happy but have learnt from my mistake i will email him and see what we can do for the next event
  22. nor me mate its the only way to go people just have to think how they would fil if it was in there shoes and i think all will agree
  23. i payed £25 up front mate and we all still had to pay to get in plus i raced that was 20 and a £5 to get in just put it down to exsp if i do it again i want all money up front and if name is down and people pul out no money back and thats there hard shxt
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