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Everything posted by petenofear

  1. think i better get my name down then
  2. top man i got a flask so sould b all ok mate thanks mate
  3. i bet they do mate kids always put a smile on your face
  4. can u bring a mircawave as need to heat baby karas food up
  5. i hope he gets the car back
  6. have to let u know about this one as having a 7 mth baby its hard
  7. me and miss will b there so u can put my name done thanks
  8. far enought still they own a lot of council houses but they dont say we cant take pics there lol and want £250 lo lol ok say no more
  9. how can they say u have to pay to have a pic in front of this place that is right out bullshxt they have no right so what if some one just wanted to take 1 photo of there kids in front of this place will they want money for that NO they would not sorry but i am on one tonight
  10. iam somerset sp dont worry leave me there now
  11. think i will b fine mate
  12. it was a funny one if i rember right
  13. i got eds he text me the other day
  14. think i will get my self a sat nav for the weekend
  15. top man no lets see if i get lost lol
  16. nice one mate i think i will have to take your number befor sunday just in case lol
  17. nice one mate trying to think what one that will b lol
  18. where would b the best place for us to meet mate
  19. can u put me and miss down sis said yes
  20. tel u all about in when i see u mate
  21. some times mate my oldist to have horses so dont come over much my other boy only lives 2 min walk from me but having lots of problems with his mum she tryed to get me done for trying to kock her down i was looking at 2 years in prison for it then one week befor crown court all her so called 8 witnes all droped out
  22. skint yes and i only have kara with me
  23. lol nice one mate this is my 4th i have 2 boys and 2 girls wesley 10 ebany 8 connor 4 and kara 7 mths
  24. she is only 7 mths mate
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