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Everything posted by petenofear

  1. i will call my sis in a bit to see if its ok to drop her off early
  2. i will see what i can do not sure if we will b able to as i have to b in yeovil to drop baby at sis for 8 to get to taunton for 9.30
  3. where would b the best place mate would i go to taunton does that take me to the m5
  4. we would love to come but were not sure if my sis will have r baby that early what time u leaveing parker ?
  5. did not cost to much mate just a little over the £3000 and that was buying the car
  6. thanks to all hard work but worth in in the end next projet soon lol
  7. if i can find some STI lights that r not to money then i would get some
  8. hiya all this it a projet i have been doing for the last 2 mths so what u all think ,i have one more pic to add so will post that tomorrow so here goes from the frist day i pick car up new interior , sti p1 rear spoiler and a full dragger exhaust then started to strip the old girl down now all preped up ready for some paint to fitting my front mount intercooler then having a night mear fitting my after markit front bumper then there is some paint on the old girl and now so here we have my scoob took me a lot of hours but i think its worth it what u all think
  9. nice to here that mate have to meet up as u not far from me u can see my scoob its all done now
  10. get them dates fould out then as will be nice to see u and ed again
  11. Anyone interested in a sunday lunch meet on Sunday 2nd March in association with RIP. Will meet at Exeter Services at 11am, then down to Dawlish for lunch. names down if interested: 1. JD & Vix 2. petenofear and family 3. daywalker 4.big rand
  12. some one trys and takes my scoob they will have a bat in ther nee caps and i am not jokeing someone always wants what u got
  13. glad to here it mat mate y not pop down to merriott some time and have a look at my scooby projet i got it back to day so starting to put it back together
  14. nice one mr p looks sweet as mate
  15. a very good luck to u frome me and family just make a point to them at work WE all have top start somewhere GOOD LUCK
  16. best price i can get for cash only is £200
  17. what year is the car
  18. i will make a call tomorrow for u and see what price i can get
  19. nice one i live next door the the club
  20. what kit u looking for as i know a man that does then at a good price
  21. sorry the here u r selling your scoob mate i must admit i have never seen it about as i only live down the road from u merriott ner crewkeren
  22. yes mr p it would hiya all
  23. what u on about mate lol y do u need to drop your clutch at 4k there is no need mate at all i never when i went up with jd and i am prety sure jd dident
  24. your name is down rich on rip monkip1 if u can make it mate b nice if not we will meet again summers is just round the corner
  25. thanks
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