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Everything posted by petenofear

  1. what is the best mod to up the bhp with out spending lots of money i have a pipe but it still has the cat i cant afford much as just spent out on a engine that cost me just under £2000 and now a bit skint lol
  2. i just wondered thats all its meet to b 320bhp but no paper work to prove it i dont even no what bhp my is ment to b its standard any idear
  3. thats my mate he has only just got is had it about 1 week after i got one his is mint and quick got is from bristol i think y u now the car
  4. http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb299/p...r/scobby001.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb299/p...elcardog011.jpg http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb299/p...r/scobby003.jpg what about now mate blue one is mine but at the mo engine is out waiting for the new one to get here hopefully b buy the 25th of this mth thanks pete
  5. yes mate got pics on there but not sure how to put them on to here mate
  6. i tryed what u said but can seem to do it mate very new to all this net lol
  7. hiya mate sorry for the late reply if u r talking about the engine then yes i think should have one buy the 24th of this mth if they dont let me down y do u know for on ? thanks pete
  8. hiya how can i put pics on the page thanks pete
  9. hiya how can i put pics on the the page thanks pete
  10. hiya all thatnks for the help u have gave me think i have found a engine if all goes well i should have it in 2 weeks and fitted with in the week so 3 weeks should b all done i and a mate or all new to scoobys and would lov to come along to one of your meets when is the next one we could come along to so we can have a good old chat thanks pete
  11. hiya to all i am in a bit of a pickle i have got a subaru impreza 2000 uk turbo (2000) x reg and i am in need of a complete engine i am very new to all this web and web sites not even sure how to get up if any one has replyed to me but if any one can help me that would b good thanks pete my email address is pwdn06@aol.com thanks again
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