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little vodka goblin

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Everything posted by little vodka goblin

  1. sorry we didn't get to say bye @ Trax, are you going to the MK meet this weekend? If not we'll see you at the Japshow Finale. Great to see you all again.

  2. Hi Ray, the photo is an absolute classic! Why on earth was I worried about that one you took of me when you had that one hidden away! You're a brave man! Lmao.

  3. Hi tony, just left a message for Sam too, thanks soooo much for regarding me as a friend, looking forward to meeting up with you both at Trax next weekend, fingers crossed for the weather!

  4. Hi sam, I have to echo Ray's comments, I was way chuffed when I switched the computer on and saw that you had added me as a friend. Hope you're well and we'll see you next week at Trax - yippe! Really looking forward to seeing you all again.

  5. Cheers M [] I'll meet you all there We'll meet you there too []
  6. Hi & welcome to sidc, great club, great people []
  7. There's no stopping you now mate is there? Even got your avatar sorted - speedy work - lol. Once we get a few more details on this we'll sort out a time and place to meet and travel there together if you want. Rach
  8. Hi Matt welcome to s.i.d.c []
  9. I so wish my son was younger, it's wicked, can't see a 13 year old being too happy with this for his birthday though can you? lol.
  10. Surely that's worth some track time @ Trax - lol [Y]
  11. We spent a very wet & horrible weekend at santa pod a few years ago and none of the cars could even move around the site apart from the scoobs which were flying around as if they were on the track, we looked at our poor little calibra sitting in the middle of a pool of mud and decided the next car would have to be a scoob - they were just soooooooo impressive! We've never looked back since - what an amazing car []
  12. "I feel like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight, chicken tonight"!
  13. I've set a reminder on my phone for it, can't wait []
  14. We use this occasionally, it's really good, the scoob loves it, only downside is you don't get so many mpg []
  15. I've now been converted to the Church of Scoobies ![]
  16. Great photos again Craigy, well done [Y]
  17. Everytime we plug the sat nav in the car it shorts the cig lighter and blows a fuse - damn good excuse not to have one I reckon, you can't beat a trusty, tatty old map [Y]
  18. Really naughty to laugh at other peoples misfortune but ........ hahahahahahaha! Sometimes you just can't help it, they're both brilliant.
  19. Well I'm 36 and female, that's blown their theory out of the window hasn't it? [Y]
  20. Must be getting ripped off by the AA then cos it definately put my premium up and they said that was the reason why.
  21. We paid just under £600, supplied and fitted from our friendly little local garage, took them just over 4 hours to fit.Subaru garage quoted us £800 +.
  22. We didn't have to pay the excess when we claimed on our windscreen and it didn't affect our NCB but we did have to claim it for the next 3 years which put our premium up, may be worth finding out how much it would cost to pay for outright yourself rather than claiming off insurance - could work out cheaper in the long run.
  23. He obviously thinks we have as few brain cells as he does, possibly been hanging round with his junkie mates for too long - what a muppet! Made me laugh though []
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