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little vodka goblin

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Posts posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Bugger! Not only have i only just seen this (is this a new section?? :) ), but i can't make it that night anyway due to work commitments :( and i was planning to attend a few meets too :(

    Next month the scoob is getting an outing! :(

    Yep new section! Aren't we posh? :)

    I'm planning on having meets every month Ace so keep an eye out for the next one (I think it'll be on the 27th as we're at Brands hatch the weekend before but I will confirm).

    Be good to see you,


  2. Will def bring them if we come,

    My Scooby is in the garage at the moment as i was run off the road by a merc :)

    I'm stuck with a Skoda Roomster. :(

    Not impressed tbh

    Ah mate you're not having much luck with the scoob are you? :)

    Hope it all gets sorted and you're back on the road asap.

    Rach & Nige

  3. Ok guys here we go - usual place, usual time! :banana:

    For those of you not "in the know" the first Bedfordshire meet of 2010 will be at Frankie & Benny's, Goldington Road, Bedford on the 23rd of January.

    I'm aiming to be there from 6.30pm onwards to eat around 7 ish. (Joe and Chloe if you're coming along that's 7 pm :banana: ). It will be good to see all the usual suspects and some new faces too.

    Any questions, just give me a shout.

    See you there!


    Rach x

  4. Hey Rach - Happy new year hun.

    How's the head this morning? :banana:

    Looking forward to catching up with the East Anglian SIDCer's soon :banana:

    Hey hun - no hangover this morning - yippee!!!!! :banana:

    Yep, I like this East Anglia malarkey - I've finally got somewhere "proper" to post our meets etc, cheers hun xx

  5. Before I get too drunk to be able to type I just want to wish you all a very Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

    Also a very big thank you to all of you that have been so supportive in my roles of Bedfordshire regional organiser and moderator here on SIDC but especially to Kim and Nige - I couldn't do it without you guys beside me, I love you both loads! :banana:

    Anyway, back to topic - I hope you all have a fantastic evening and I look forward to catching up with you all in 2010!

    cheers guys,

    Rach xxxxxxxxx

  6. Hello

    Just found the forum, and thought I would say hello.

    I drive a Red 2006 WRX, I have had the car for about a year now and it's still totally standard :( not that I don't want to get the thing sorted but funds don't allow at the moment :D

    I may have seen a few members cars parked at Frankie & Benny's as I was passing a while back? The one that stood out was a nice blue sti all stickered up? :D

    Anyways I'm gonna go have another look at the forum and hope to see some of the Bedfordshire Scooby's sometime.

    Ian :D

    Lol - so you've discovered where we hide on these cold and wet winter nights!

    Welcome to SIDC Ian, I'm one of two regional organisers for Bedfordshire (my partner in crime being Kip) but I'm pretty much responsible for all that goes on in Beds at the mo due to Kip's workload. I own a 2003 red WRX so you're in good company :D and my "other half" has a Classic type R - I think you can safely say we love our scoobs!

    I'll be posting details of our next meet within the next few days so please keep an eye out and feel free come along and join us - we're a friendly bunch I promise.



  7. Oooh could we combine some with us lot from Bedfordshire?

    Ian and I tried this is October Rick for the Japshow Finale at Santa Pod but despite the initial show of interest getting members to commit to it was a different matter entirely. :lol:

  8. Hiya Tim,

    I know we've already "spoken" but once again welcome to SIDC.

    I can imagine how excited you must be getting right now - when I bought my first scoob I had to wait 3 days til I could collect her and the anticipation nearly killed me! :D

    Have fun tomorrow and get some pics up on here when you can.



  9. Hi mate,

    If you post this in the membership/club enquiries section I'm sure Kaz (our membership secretary) will be along to help you.

    As a rough idea they do ask to allow up to 28 days delivery.

    Hope this helps.

  10. Hey guys,

    just a quickie to say I'm SO sorry I didn't make it this weekend B)

    Unfortunately, I'm still ill and the antibiotics don't seem to be doing all that much at the mo so I'm pretty p*ssed off with it all.

    Sorry to let you all down,


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