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little vodka goblin

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Posts posted by little vodka goblin

  1. Cheers guys! Glad you had a good evening, the weather was superb too. Gutted I wasn't there!

    Felt bad knowing you were waiting for me at Brampton too, sorry guys :P .

    I was on the road to Cambridge and the car just started mis-firing and hesitating badly, then I heard a loud

    ticking sound. I thought it was my worst fear, and that the big ends had gone :D

    Pulled the car over and shut down straight away. Called a mate and he came and picked me up with a trailer.

    Had a look at the car this morning and after 2 hours of searching I found the problem.

    I'd just had the car serviced and it had new NGK plugs fitted. When I pulled the lead off number 3 I noticed some

    white ceramic coating inside the lead, then I took the plug out and it was damaged to the point that the ceramic coating was just crumbling apart! ;)

    Popped down the local Halfords with the missus and picked up a new plug, and hey presto problem solved :D

    Checked all the other plugs and there was no problem.

    I just put it down to either manufacturing fault or the mechanic being a little to heavy handed :(

    Car is running fine now, although my MOT is this week :P

    Will wrap it up in cotton wool now until the next meet, then I will DEFINATELY be there :D

    Laters all.

    No worries mate, these things happen. Thanks heavens it was a simple fix, when our type R did something similar to that it ended up costing us...................................................well just think of a number and double it! B)

    We'll see you next time, I'll post details in here as soon as a date is confirmed :angry:

  2. After a little stop off at the local KFC for a quick bite to eat we are now home.

    Thanks to Iain and Stu for a great afternoon, what a perfect excuse for a drive out in the scoob.

    As already stated it was really good to put names to faces and I hope to see you all soon.

    Oh and Stu, no need to blank out my reg either as I'll be putting the personal plates on soon :P

    Whoops almost forgot to say that I can't wait to see the pics either :(:angry:

  3. Good to finally meet you too Miss Daisy :angry:

    No need to worry about the driving, better safe than sorry. What was that Mulitpla doing on the A6!!! Idiot.

    Hopefully see you at the next one.


    We knew Kim wouldn't undertake them but I bet she was having a good moan about them! :(

  4. Hi Rachel,

    have you just walked through the door as well?

    It was good to meet you guys too, I had a good time thanks.

    Will defo try and get to the next one. :angry:

    Yep, pretty much just got in :P

    Glad you enjoyed yourself tonight :(

  5. Really very sorry I didn't make it guys!

    Left the house at 16:15 to meet you guys at Brampton, but when

    I was half way to Cambridge I had a problem with the car :angry:

    Not sure what the problem is yet but managed to get back home.

    Hope you guys have a good night!

    Shame you couldn't make it we had a really good night, hope you get the problem sorted out soon and it's not too expensive! :(

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