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Everything posted by monkip1

  1. Lol
  2. Ditto, i just think its ed and his pc revolting against him
  3. God sake i loved this show last year!!! Shall i or shant i that is the question lol.
  4. CONVOY TIMES: These are leaving times form the meeting points, please allow time to ensure you are there on time. Please add you names to the various convoy points so I will know who is being collected at each stop. 5:00 am Exeter services 1. JD & Trix 2. Parker 6:15 am Gordano services 6:20 Monki,s house *cough* 6:15 am Sun Inn, Coate Water, Swindon 1. Edmondo,Sp, and SIDC Mum 6:45 am Morrisons, Chippenham, SN14 6UZ 1. Dorsetdaffodil 2. petenofear and miss 7:00 am Castle Coombe
  5. is that a small person on yer bonnet pmsl.
  6. hmmmmmmmm shall i insure the P1 for its first and last show of the year..................................... NAH
  7. or in your case a pack of beer lol.
  8. Sell the kids! thay sould pay the mortgage and a few extras
  9. P1 cough cough P1 you can modd mine for me Kev if you want a show car
  10. Remember Parkers taking a 30min de-tour to pick me up! (Cheers bud )
  11. My car feels very fast enougth so im happy not knowing its power figure!
  12. Sound liek its going to be a impressive road monster liek Martys P1. Think your might give his a bloody good run for its money, I know Scooby shoot out this year would be a good day for you to really test your cars cababilities Jd.
  13. monkip1


    I thought 440cc injectors are standard items? As these are what my P1 runs as std setup. Hope you get the problem sorted out soon buddy!
  14. monkip1


    Im sure the mapper can giagnose the faults?
  15. deffo after the review the sti 08 got lol.
  16. I like the magic round bout, try navagating hicksgate round bout in early morning traffic
  17. My membership is due for renewal also, but i doubt it be renewd this year as i wont save money, unless i decide to change the tires while its locked up or get discount on buying servicable items? Monki.
  18. Ed you just looked that up in a dictionairy hehe
  19. Is the centre consol, the same as the 2door coupe. and in MINT condition? If so i might be interested in buying it! ALso i would be interested in the i/n piping with out the cooler as thats knackerd but not sure how much it set me back lol.
  20. If a Vf turbo sounds loud like the ones you get on turbo diesels its usally a sign its shot!, Its one thing I was told to look out for while reading the haynes guide to you and your subaru. But then you can just get it tested lol.
  21. shhhhhh Jd you know me to welll...........althought this nice blonde lady and her mate was following me dwn a road and when they pulled next to me they both smiled in waved pmsl. I attract all the nutters llol
  22. Glam i think the back of your car will look spot on wth the STI rear lights
  23. Iv been known to wave and flash while driving the work van lol.
  24. HI am not comming any more (Sorry guys) as im taking the scooby off the road as i really cannot be a***d to re-tax the car as insurance is still crippling!, Also as well as getting money together for fullservice and new clutch in flywheel. (Yes my slipping clutch is still there a year later) So ill be driving a little 1.1 5dr Fiesta Monki.
  25. To be honest unless your car is mapped specifically for a certain grade of fule, dont worrie bout putting in 97ron, i have loads with my motor as i DAME RIGHT REFUSE WASTE my money on 99ron as its costing more and more to buy, and as i commute to work and back in the scooby everyday i want more petrol for my money. I dont usally rang my car never really have, so i suppose thats why my cars been good
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