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Everything posted by glen_miller

  1. Hmmm,i shall employ more patience,lol
  2. I'll bang a tenner in...
  3. Where m8,nothing in my inbox?[*-)]
  4. [:$]*removes chip from shoulder* Thanks for that,i'll come along for the ride and the view! You never know,i may have a turbo by then,fingers crossed![][][]
  5. Not sure it's for me,not sure my car and i will fit in?[:$] My scooby will feel well out of place next to all the real scoobies and I'd feel like a fake. I'm on a mission to get a real scooby(turbo),maybe i'll join in then? seems the whole club thing is like who's got the best trainers at school,i wouldn't react well to being laughed/sneered at for having a lesser scooby,yes i have a scooby chip on my shoulder.[^o)] I hope this makes sense?
  6. Over active imagination? lol []
  7. Now that's funny![Y][]
  8. I saw it,i did flash(ooer!)[Y]
  9. I don't drink(8 years next Friday!)so i'm perfect designated driver material,as long as nobody turns their nose up at my non-turbo,non-good paint job,non-spoilered Scooby! I read the sad story and will do all i can to help out.
  10. Alez zane normally makes me vomit blood,but that was funny! []
  11. I'm a total numpty and i managed to get online a piece of p*ss(no offence[]) If you want i'll come and do it for you(Baz),not a problem. Have you got gears of war?
  12. Sorry,am i supposed to laugh?
  13. *click click click click* I see what you mean,i'm sure us new blokes/ladies will all fit in one day????
  14. No mate,you got there in the end,i just made coffee and told stories about my life as an insurance salesman [].
  15. Hello Dave [Y]
  16. A massive thank you too Deano666. When any other mechanic would have walked away,Dean stayed the distance and fixed my Scooby for me. I can't say enough good things about the fella! Cheers mate[Y][][<)][Y]
  17. I was going to pop in yesterday,but didn't feel right going in my van(Scooby not well,Dean O'God is on it today!) I'll be at the next though(If that's cool?)
  18. Dean is a GOD![Y]
  19. Hello Trevor. I'm a new bloke too,what ever you do,don't post a snore in shampoo threads it doesn't go down well![]
  20. Apologies if this post wasn't as lively as the usual stuff you read on here......perhaps when you wake up you should go back to ebay [] Nice,thanks.
  21. [|-)]
  22. What happened at the limehouse link then...?[:^)]
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