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Everything posted by glen_miller

  1. Thanks tony,pukka mukka![H] i'll start searching for a 99/00 one for you,then we can both be smiling sooner!
  2. Not sure about the boy bit,lol
  3. no worries baz[H]
  4. I think i do,just don't tell my credit card!
  5. Cheers Baz,nice one! I'll try not to sound like a tight fisted w*nker in future[]
  6. Thanks scooby hoo? Don't think i'll be respraying it for a while though,under the bonnet has financial priority!
  7. It's a magnex exhaust(apparently?)lol
  8. I know i've got to pay,but you never know until you ask? I have £'s just thought i'd chance my arm for a free one![] Thanks for the links.
  9. lol,one might turn up,i've been lucky so far!
  10. Hello,has anyone got an impreza front bumper they don't want? It's for my 95 impreza,classic styleeeeeeee! I'll part with cash if i really have to,but i was hoping for a freebie as i'm new and my scooby looks like a mini cab from the front[:@] If you don't ask,you don't get!
  11. Nice one,i've got an old pot of emulsion somewhere!
  12. Thanks all,didn't realise i was buying into a whole new family when i got my (very very very!) cheap Scooby(i still feel daft calling a car scooby!) My mate from dartford has had his scooby for a while and i've wanted one ever since i got a lift one day,nearly lost my fillings! So here i am with a bog standard scooby(apart from the something exhaust that drowns out my chatty daughter!) i'll be adding and removing bits as i go,so one day i might have the bottle to put a picture up! You'll see me about![H]
  13. two and a half thousand english pounds!? looks like i'll have to change sexuality coz i ain't got 2.5K! Thanks for the violent shock baz69birds!
  14. Anyone got any idea of how much a re-spray of an impreza wagon(95) would come to?(i've just bought it and it's a bit of a pillow biters colour!) Also need the wheels painting coz they're colour coded[:@] Cheers ears!
  15. Hello all,i've just joined the scooby club. Bought a 95 impreza wagon(1.6i)on ebay for £415.05p[<)] Got a buggered cv joint,waiting for the new one to arrive.other than that it's a beauty! see you about and i will wave/flash/attempt to catch you!
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