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Everything posted by glen_miller

  1. Just slightly out of my price range []
  2. It would appear that i was a bit harsh in my attack on my Scooby,She was ok for a bog standard one i suppose. I had a bit of fun in her while i owned her,the best bit(and the final nail in Her coffin) was when an evo destroyed me,it took off into a mere blip! My van has a quicker top end than the Scooby,but takes 20 minutes to get there! One day soon i'll have a 'real' Scooby,if only to have a re-match with that evo,lol. Many thanks to Dean larkins for all his help/advice.
  3. It's on my shopping list[Y]
  4. No,i didn't make a profit.[]
  5. don't think anyone ever got to see it - he just spent his entire time ranting on about how sh*t it was. I don't remember ranting about it?
  6. I've sold my Scooby,(now i can tell the truth) I hated it! Sh*t colour,sh*t engine,all in all just sh*t! lmao. I felt a fake in it,like i was trying to be something i'm not? Be lucky all...
  7. Spotted STARDUST on the M20(London bound) at 14.20. I bibbed and flash hazards as i went past you,i was in a yellow ford courier.[Y]
  8. A few months ago i came home with a massive television,my missus said "that's much better" i said "don't get excited,it's going in the back room with the 360!"[Y]
  9. Didn't realise that you could still buy short lengths of spaghetti.............been buying mine on a roll for years lol LMFAO!
  10. With the earlier site format posting up the 'wrong' size of photo would affect the whole of the thread and you then had to scroll everything which was a real pain. Perhaps the newer format adjusts for this now? [8-|],lol (",)
  11. [Y][<)][]
  12. To save having to scroll? It's not hard work really,is it? LMFAO!
  13. CONVINCE neighbours that you own an old fashioned typewriter by wearing metal thimbles and drumming your fingers on a plastic tray. Every ten seconds ting a wine glass with a pencil and run a butter knife along the teeth of a comb before continuing drumming your fingers. TAME budgies and parrots easily by replacing their grit with iron filings. By holding a large magnet, they will sit hapilly on your hand for hours. GENTLEMEN. Avoid any unnecessary scrotal surgery by removing any genital piercings before using the 'Black Hole' water flume at Butlins, Bognor Regis. SMOKERS. Enjoy seemingly longer holidays by stopping smoking on your first day off, making every day thereafter appear to be 72 hours long. ELDERLY drivers. Pressing the pedal on your right will make your car go a little faster. Forget all that rubbish about suffocating at speeds above 15mph, it was all a myth. BUS drivers. Increase the number of people who believe you when you cite traffic as an excuse for your late arrival by not stopping halfway through a route to exchange a racist joke with a passing colleague. WHEN cooking spaghetti, tie all the ends together. That way you can eat it in one long suck, eliminating the drudgery of washing up knives and forks.
  14. I know,i've been telling my boss since it was a mere crackette,not a good selling point for a glass scratch removal company! fpmsl I have to reverse up to the job sites now,not got any cracks at the back![Y]
  15. I know,i've been telling my boss since it was a mere crackette,not a good selling point for a glass scratch removal company!
  16. http://www.inkednation.com/glenNo mate,i started an apprenticeship a long time ago,but a move to spain put a stop to it all. I'm still very into ink though,my m8/tattoo artist is the nuts,wait for the English version of Miami ink to come out(filming soon!) My name is Glen btw,angermenot is a plea to others as i hate getting angry,green isn't my colour! PMSL!!!!!!!!
  17. Nope you have to login Photobucketed out of my mind,thanks!
  18. http://www.inkednation.com/m/m.cfm?t=43&am...photo_ID=941537 try that or this?
  19. How do i put a picture on here? The only link to any of my photos is through inkednation,i can't think of any other way to do it[:$]
  20. The only way i could get a photo on! I saw this poor fella near Chatham hill way yesterday(monday) i was crying with laughter(much to the disappointment of the dude in his super metro!) http://www.inkednation.com/m/m.cfm You may have to go through my album to see it,it's worth the trawl![co]
  21. Are you a professional piercer?
  22. I know,it's fantastic![<)]
  23. A family is at the dinner table. The son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there? The father, surprised, answers, "Well, son, there are three kinds of breasts. In her 20s, a woman's breasts are like melons, round and firm. In her 30s to 40s, they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit. After 50, they are like onions". "Onions?" "Yes, you see them and they make you cry." This infuriated his wife and daughter so the daughter said, "Mum, how many kinds of 'willies' are there?" The mother, surprised, smiles and answers, "Well dear, a man goes through three phases. In his 20s, his willy is like an oak tree, mighty and hard. In his 30s and 40s, it is like a birch, flexible but reliable. After his 50s, it is like a Christmas tree". "A Christmas tree?" "Yes - dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration."
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