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Posts posted by cullenmin

  1. Good meet today, and another good turn out.

    Huge thanks for those who travelled quite a bit - hosstheboss, BrianM & SCOOBYGIRL.

    Unfortunately our poor RO was ill so couldnt make it this one, hope you get yer clutch fitted soon Alan once you get better :D

    A couple of snaps on the digi -






    Gold prize to the cleanest car of the day goes to Oxbig's bugeye :lol:







    Aaron couldnt help himself giving the car a wipe clean after a short run ;)



  2. This is something I have looked into before paul as I would love to have my dash flocked.

    In my research i couldnt find anywhere in scotland that does it, but I bet there is someone that does it.

    Another hassle is that they normally require to have the dash given to them so you'd have to remove it yourself.

    With a bit of luck someone will have more info on this in scotland.


  3. Subaru won 3 drivers World Championships

    1995 McRae (Classic 4 door)

    2001 Burns (Bug-eye 4 door)

    2003 Solberg (Blob-eye 4 door)

    The 2 door 22B won a few rallies but never a drivers championship. :D

    Sorry my comment was a bit vague, it was more of a wee rant :o

  4. The cars looking good Rich. :iagree:

    Cheers paul, I need to find a pic that just sums the car up completely, just like the one you have showing off your prodrive seats and Carbon morror bling, sweet B)

    not booked yet, dont know if ill be home for it, got time booked off for the aberdeen scoobies sprint at Ingliston in april as it is, dont want to use up all my holidays so early in the year :(

    Didn't hear about that one, really should go on AS more often. If I'm off I'll come across to spectate :thumbup:

    Wow! Cars looking awesome Rich! Like the new vent, keeping them black is a nice touch...

    cant wait till i see her again!!! :iagree:

    Oh, and I take it you got the calender? :D

    Black.....carbon min :D its all coming together quite nicely. I have got the calander, I'm owe you for that mate, next time I see you.

    I'm liking that, very nice looking vehicle, sparkly clean too.

    You think with a wee ramp at the end of the pier you could make it to the other side ??? :D


    :banana2: Cullen to Portknockie in 60.......I mean 6 seconds :banana2:

  5. excellent stuff, looking forward to having some fun with it at knockhill again!!

    You get yourself booked for the 28th march min?

    Fit kind o coilvers is that you've got a hold of? :thumbup: **** edit - just noticed its them exe-tc ones **** bling bling

  6. Got me a set of the BC coilovers from the scoobynet group buy, they do look rather nice. Apparently they are noisier than standard shocks but that wont worry me in the slightest.





    I hope to get them fitted soon, before my 1st outing at knockers this year. And no they didn't come with the scooby doo mascot :banana2:

    Spent this morning washing the bugger as it was dirtier than Billie pipers diary, RS Grant seen it yesterday when I bumped into him in my travels, good talking to you again Grant :banana2:








    Some of you may recognise this lighthouse from the "Random photo thread"



    Hope you all like, its bloody hard keeping the car clean with roads like they are but its worth a try :thumbup:



  7. Im looking for a splitter for my classic, but not alot of people have a splitter on a face-lift like mine. Was hoping to see a few at the meet, but nope :icon_butt:

    You've basically got 2 choices with the facelift front end.

    1. Get a P1 splitter (genuine if you have the dosh or there is aftermarket copy's).

    2. V6 Sti splitter which is more suttle than the P1 splitter, more of a lip, looks good though.

    I just havnt got round to buying a V6 sti splitter yet as I've only just got the full facelift front end. Might not bother depends how low I go with the coilovers when I get them fitted.

    Hope this helps


  8. I am going to book a 1 on 1 package with one of the Knockhill instructors (25 laps in your own car) later in the year before I venture on the track on my own I think......

    Thats a good idea because they will teach you the lines, braking points, what to do, what not to do etc plus you start to get used to the track.

    I did the leon trackstar last year before I went on an SIDC trackday and I thought it was well worthwhile.


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