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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. looks nice and clean to me didnt see the milage tho. i,m with markie on this one!!!! i,m sure it will look better in your hands[Y]
  2. But its not primrose and blue, i thought we had agreed primrose yellow and blue................. or did we ???????[][][][][][:S][A][:#]
  3. [Y][H]
  4. Sorry to hear that Micky, Wot a twat. We,ve been in your situation when i last moved thought i was gonna loose the house we fell for. had to sell ours at a reduced figure to get rid of quick so the sellers wouldn't pull out. Its really sh1tty[] Keep your heads up it will all come good in the end. [] Go for a drive in the scoob that will bring a smile to your face[]
  5. DOH!!![]
  6. [:^)] envious or what!!!!! have a good one m8
  7. No but i've been to sunny west kingsdown again[]
  8. i'll look out for it as i'm driving past make sure they are looking after it properly[]
  9. what ron is it, as it was only 97 ron in spain[:^)]
  10. No grumpyness here today or arguments[] the happy pills must be working well lol[]
  11. It was me I followed you from west kingsdown when you overtook the scooters[] car sound nice and takes off well[]
  12. wicked set of pics there Dal well done
  13. Happy Anniversary to you both
  14. That made i larf[]
  15. ROAR


    cheers bro.[Y]
  16. Very nice was that you on the M2 Monday at about 6pm going London Bound came on at top of blue bell hill???
  17. Hi does any body know if a Turbo Propshaft will fit my Sport??? Thanks
  18. the lads at extreme scoobies did mine and bug eyed pigs there goood and reasonably priced
  19. only seen 4 scoobies on my drive through france and into spain Spooted a fully stickered up P1 driving through Salou Today[] looked and sounded the nuts like a proper rally car[]
  20. V Power here in spain is 98 RON[]
  21. what gearbox oil do i need to put in my classic sport[8-)] had a look in the owners hand book cant find it (perhaps i'm just thick or summat)[] thanks in advance[]
  22. Theres always one [:^)] [] Go and get your coat ...........................your's will be the anorak ! OI!!!!! i thought the anorack was mine.[]
  23. Is this Chris's Graduation Ceremony, when is it?
  24. kin ell!!![]
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