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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. ok thanks
  2. Are there any Kent Scooby Stickers around for purchase????
  3. thats a bugger Dean I thought you were going to keep it now[:^)] who's gonna step up and take the accolades in the show and shine now!!!!!!
  4. its gotta be summit special to match the last. I thought it was the nuts (ignore what they say)
  5. what ya got now..................... come on im gonna burst...................
  6. Nice Blue 53plate STI with gold wheels. Asda carpark greenhithe tonight about 9:45 sounded gooooood[Y]
  7. now thats a fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[:'(] lets hope it goes to a good home.
  9. how about a nice kent scoobies tee shirt[Y] but what colour (should we have a vote on it!!! lol) should i get my coat[]
  10. Happy Birthday Barry[^][G] You told me you was only 1 day younger than me[] have a good day m8
  11. Thanks all for you birthday wishes on this my 21st birthday[]
  12. we were all quite normal people before scooby ownership[] its a slippery slope to insanity[8-)] get out while you cannnnnnnnnn!!!![][]
  13. Smile............... It a very nice pic. does it flame tho.................
  14. Cool does it match your car?[*-)] dont know only see it through the packet had to rush the opening of my cards and pressies this morning[] soooooo many to open, so little time (oh to be popular)[] Must leave myself a note........................[*-)] Stop using so many aliases and sending myself so many cards i can't afford it!!!!!!!!!!!![]
  15. Happy birthday for tommorrow then[]
  16. Thanks[Y] I got a subaru jacket []
  17. Hello Ian Welcome to kent scoobies[]
  18. looks good from here[]
  19. isnt that one of them toilet chair things[:^)] Yep........and the non-turbo ones go like sh*t lol pmsl.
  20. unless you is the potterne massive (just a bit bigger than small) respect!!
  21. at this rate wont take long yeeeha!!!
  22. Mr moderator pleeeease how else am i gonna get as many posts as you your my hero !!!!![]
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