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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. Morning All (and stu)
  2. woooooooohoooooooo micky go micky, go micky, go.
  3. i think (but dont know for sure)the near side rear inner cv is knackered only place found to replace it is about £85, i have found out that grade a do a second hand drive shaft for £40 + vat and delivery but have just spent £100 on prop because i thought the problem lie there (it doesn't) I have a vibration under acceleration and going up hills when the car warms up, the near side rear inner cv boot had come off at some point and i had driven through france into spain and back again, and flung grease every where so i am now assuming that the cv is knackered due to lack of grease.
  4. Suzi looks hot.................... sorry VBH you just aint cutting the Mustard me old love!!!
  5. over 181k now and 46K tax back I bet he governemnt are pouting at that!!!!!!!!!
  6. woooohooooo its a nice classic
  7. 1. Q-Dog (but only cos I will be writing it) 2. ROAR[Y]
  8. Over 52k now []
  9. Whats that he's boiling up inthe pan????? It looks like P155 []
  10. what about the bosnians under the bonnet. lol
  11. Sh1te............................... lets hope the hampster and his whitened teeth pull thro ok.[] our thoughts are with him
  12. God rest Pornodan and all who sailed in her [] send out the old and ring in the new.....................
  13. [][]
  14. Dal on the back of an AA wagon Poor sods broken it
  15. no one???
  16. [][]
  17. Happy Birthday Tony (for whenever it was)[]
  18. That was good []
  19. Im with you syd Blue Hammer[]
  20. I think i need a new nearside rear drive shaft for my sport[][li] can anyone help
  21. looking good[Y] and you got the bonnet to shut without the aid of gaffer tape[]
  22. [] not heard that one before.
  23. Any Idea on total cost Tony????
  24. 2 P1's tonight one driving around Erith then saw it parked in Morrisons Petrol Station one coming out of the road next to the shell station blackfen
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