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Everything posted by ROAR

  1. Hello Ben and welcome. []
  2. Congrats Markie & family that explains the looking at old folks home then LOL
  3. ^^ LMAO ^^
  4. i'm sure the haemorrhoid cream and the fruit jellies went down a storm.[][]
  5. happy birthday you old duffer[G][^][<)]
  6. yeah right!!!!!!
  7. Rossyboy WRX, that was me [Y] Thanks. [] No other bugger was gonna let me go! Was it you i spotted you on Friday about 5.30 sitting on the A2 in all that traffic kent bound. spotted a black classic coming out of the Crook Log sports centre toinight about 8.45
  8. thats what i found when i had mine done by them. very helpful, quick and friendly.[Y]
  9. sorry will be driving around spain looking for tunnels[]
  10. Markie idea!!!! use the tiles that have fallen off, to tile the bath mosaic style. you wont have to by a new bath [Y]
  11. []congratulations to you both mate
  12. sorry guy's cant make it[:'(] gotta work[] On the bright side i go on holiday 4 days later [ip] driving through france into spain along the twisty mountain roads yehaa my own little tunnel runnel run, through the garraf tunnels about 3 1/2 miles long []
  13. have you had a butchers in formula one just across the road there??????[Y] might be something that catches your eye[H]
  14. Mr & Mrs Dal this morning in their new baby going along green street green road grinning from ear to ear []
  15. nice one nigle good to see the company are still funding your little projects[]
  16. woooohoooo she's a bute!!! Nice One DAL and Mrs DAL
  17. Looks good to me I'm with Andy would look better with bigger rubber
  18. it was me yipeeeeeee i,m no longer anonymous whats happening about you and your car DAL
  19. woooohoooo welcome to dartford scooby clan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. 22 highly paid men and half a dead cow!!!
  21. ROAR


    Garage at the top of wrotham hill are good[Y]
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