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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. Did I pass you going over the blue bridge just up by the new Asda warehouse. Was about 12.05pm? Hmmm, dunno were I was, casue I was trying to find where I was going. But my car has got all the decals on it... so if it had decals, then yeah, it was me!
  2. "waving to other Impreza drivers unless you can clearly see a SIDC tax disc holder. Passed 3 Imprezas this morning, all Turbos and not a single wave! Felt like a right numpty. Anyone else feel the same?" I'll wave to you if I see you mate! I was in Falkirk today and I saw a blue Turbo (You do live in Falkirk, right?). Guy waved to me and I waved back, maybe it was you and you never seen me! Got some flaps for my 06 WRX. I don't have a SIDC tax disc holder! Join soon though. John
  3. Yeah, Paul LeGuen's backroom staff! []
  4. My wive's boss of 12 years ago loaned me her Celica 2.0GT for 2 weeks Seeing that I drove a 205 Diesel, it was more like an experience than a car. It then became my dream to own one, though I never thought this would ever be possible, but 10 years later, I got a brand new one. Loved it! After two years I was looking for a new car and intended to buy the T Sport, but the Subaru caught my eye. So, if I didn't have an Impreza, I'd propbably be driving a Celica T Sport. I know, not very raw is it? john
  5. Hi Gus Dunno you mate, but very sorry to hear about your loss nevertheless. Take care and God bless ... -John-
  6. Had the Scoob a week now and no one has tried to take me on. In fact, people let me out of junctions and pullover on motorways far more often than they ever did when I had the Cleica (maybe its the decals!). When people pass me (just in general) I just let them go cause I know a down shift and three inches of travel on the right pedal will show them up. Im much more at ease on the roads now! LOL!
  7. Besisdes, I'm one to talk. On my wedding day, I played in a 5-a-side league match, went home got ready and went off to get married. It gets worse. I then cut my 1-week honeymoon short by one day to get home in time for the following Saturday's game! []
  8. Wait! You're on honeymoon... in Italy... and you're reading posts in a Scoobie forum! Er.... OK!!!!
  9. Drove in Itally too. Yeah they are nuts, but they are all nuts together. Never a road rage incident and kindly move over if you're tanking up the rear in the fast lane. In the US however... ignorant a55es have no clue of what is going on unless it happens in their drect field of vision and will happliy sit in the fast lane at 55 and not budge no matter what you do. Mind you, you don't want to p1ss off the worng American, otherwise you run the risk of getting shot!
  10. Hi Ally Welcome. Get some pics of your car up mate.
  11. Was driving toward Cumbernauld last night in the inside lane of the A80 looking for my exit, when another Scoob (WR Blue STi)came quickly up the outside, slowed alongside, gave me the nod, then tore off into the distance ... Now that's a Scoobie greeting!
  12. Thanks, Na, just gold 18" on the STi's mate - shame though, could be doing with some! J
  13. We are terrorists... We terrorise the roads - in Scoobs!!!!! Kinda []
  14. Team One STi_Bandit Gordyq TheWelsho Team Two . Where is the game being held?
  15. Yeah, and not jsut vehicle, what about Jaquar? Jag-Waaar! A55es!
  16. That's cause no Americans can say nuclear! Have you heard them say Irag? Eye- rack! Please, if your going to invade a country, pronounce it correctly, will you!
  17. 01. Paddy247 - Scooby. 02. RS Grant - No Scooby 03. Oz *sti* - Scooby 04. dtabbit77 - Scooby 05. Shaun_O'Donnell - Scooby 06. scientific steve - Scooby 07. mctwistuk - Scooby 08. P1ggm - Scooby, plus about 6 wee scoobies (do they count too) 09. lescazscoob - Scooby 10. 4hero - Scooby (+ 1 Nitro r/c, 1Electric r/c, 4 18th scale models and a 76th scale one on keyring ;o) 11. boxerboy - Scooby 12. micra_wrc - Scooby 13. G.Mac - Scooby 14. TheWelsho - Scooby
  18. What do we do about Scoobie drivers who don't wave?
  19. Yeah, watched that online then sent for the DVD. Defo something not right.
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