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Everything posted by thewelsho

  1. So all this time I have been seeing your girlfriend in secret when all you cared about was your car!!!! []
  2. Hi there... very nice looking car - could it BE any more shiny?? John
  3. That's guys, now I feel like an a55 seeing that I wiped most of it off!!!! J
  4. Hi Folks Can any one help/advise me on the following issue? Had the 06 for about three weeks and after the first week I took a look at the engine compartment. To my surprise there was a thick greenish oily fluid splattered all over the top of my engine. I wiped most of this off without thinking as to what it might be. However, there is still plenty of it left (see pic). The insulation material that is attached to the inside of the bonnet is sodden with this fluid also. There is an unpleasant but very very slight odour from it and, at times when I use the air conditioning, it gives off a dreadful smell similar to this substance only much much stronger. Since I wiped it off, it hasn’t returned, so if there was some sort of leak, I’m sure it would have shown itself again. Any ideas? It’s due its 1k service on Tuesday and I intend to have it looked at, but would like a heads up seeing that I am clueless! Thanks John
  5. Yeah. I only had two left over but I have e-mailed a request for two more for the fronts so hopefully get that done soon. J
  6. Cheers Fraz Thanks for the offer, but I'm unlikey to be able to afford them at this very moment. If you want, you can PM me what you want for them and by the time you are ready to let them go, who knows. That will gimme time to work on the missus as she is of the mind that getting a new car with decals and flaps is quite enough! Woman! No idea! Well, except all the lovely ladies on here who drive Scoobs! John
  7. Thanks guys Had a couple of grapichs left over, so I stuck them on. I didn't fancy the white WRX ones that came with the flaps. J
  8. Took everyone's advice on the mud flaps and fitted them on Saturday. Does make a difference... Gold 18 ichers next! Well, might be a while!
  9. Welcome: Let's see some pics! J
  10. Lovely car. 6-week wait! I was strung out waiting two weeks for mine! Good luck with it though, looks the part. J
  11. Ok, I'm going to have to ask, but in defense of myself, let it be know that I am entriely new to all this: So, what is a P1???? [:$] A P1 is a UK spec 2 door classic which has been fettled by Prodrive....just like what Shaun has got.[] Thanks!
  12. Ok, I'm going to have to ask, but in defense of myself, let it be know that I am entriely new to all this: So, what is a P1???? [:$]
  13. Hmmm, perhpaps. Though the smarmy Gary Linekar gives him a close run for his money. And Ian Wright...
  14. Bad: 1. Gas Guzzler 2. Cheap interior plastics 3. 17" Standard silver wheels! Good: 1. Acceleration 2. Looks from drivers and passers-by (Lots of camera phones!) 3. Cult following and community amoung owners. John
  15. Hi Shaun I have stuff on, but I might be able to make it through later afternoon for an hour or so. I'll post on this thread if I can.
  16. Na jsut me. I thought there would be a lot of people. Judgeing by the threads, I think some peolpe are goign down tomoz for test drives etc.
  17. I was yeah. My Decals are very similair to Ed's.
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