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Posts posted by thewelsho

  1. Had a search and can't find it anywhere. Can find the zunsports one and not kean on it. Want the black grill so it goes with the upper grill's.

    Zunsport do it black too mate. Its a few pounds more. I got the silver one and can vouch for the quality. Easy to fit too :o

  2. Perhaps John. The car was too much of a compromise. Next time it'll be 2 cars. If I had 5K lying around I'd have bought Chris K's AX and gone sprinting and hillclimbing this year.

    Ach well, yer a young boay with plenty of time to do full circle and get "back into it" for want of a better term. As for auld guys like me, no such luxury, gotta live up before the senses go! :o

  3. The car is getting fixed today and I'm damn sure I'm not spending another whatever on getting it all done again. But cheers John. If I could have been without the car for some time I would have fished about for replacement rears only but it's not handy being without it.

    Aye, I know what you mean :o But you're beginning to worry me. Not only swaping the cockpit for the camera, its now a soft and comfortable ride! C'moan big yin, get a grip! :)

  4. Thats quite expensive, I paid less for my Performance friction pads for the RA and less again for the Endless racing pads for the 4 pots on my road WRX. I am very impressed with the endless racing pads and feel they are every bit as good as the DS2500's but cheaper and they last longer :P

    Yeah, same here (to the expensive part and the PF pads)

  5. Hello and welcome.

    Hopefully quite a few of us from central and glasgow are making the trip up to Alford this year.

    Look forward to seeing your car . :P

    What engine did you get in yours if you dont mind me asking.

    Welcome mate, enjoy :)

  6. Checked the Tein site and it's just a 1 year warranty on them.

    Never mind though. I'm just thankful the car is with a good honest garage with people who come back to you with options and prices for everything. It makes the pill a bit easier to swallow when the person on the end of the line sounds genuinely apologetic about finding something wrong on your car that they need to sort!

    If it had been in at the stealers I'd have probably passed out.

    Stephen, it might be worth sending a PM to Buffalo who posts on here. One of his Teins snapped and I don't know what the outcome of that was. Hey may have removed or replaced them in which case he'd have spares left over, maybe.... might be worth a shot. IIRC, it was a front one he lost.

  7. It is Dale - but the pads were fairly recent. I should have done the discs last year when I did them.

    Turns out the service was a bigger one than I thought too so there's a few extra quid on to the bill. All in all it's been a bit of a piss poor day for me.

    Just as well you retained the standard springs. Is it possible to buy the Teins in singles or doubles or are you outta pocket for a full set of replacements?

  8. Excuse me Mr Welsho i AM a member and have been so longer than you have probably had your Scooby!!! circa 2002

    Either that or some kind gent has organised a members pack and Trugrip to be sent through to me on regular occurance.


    Ha! I didn't say you weren't! Chris doesn't have that wee member badge below his name thing, so I was pulling his leg. In 2002 I wouldn't have been able to tell you what a Scooby was!

    Edit: Just noticed you don't have the wee "member badge" thing either. I'd get that seen to if I were you :rolleyes::o

  9. There will be no issues as long as Connor makes it clear to anyone visiting his site that the 2 are completely seperate.

    You guys are missing the point completely here, you failed to protect your "brand" you have no rights to the words "Scottish Scoobies" in ANY form, there is nothing stopping anyone starting up tomorrow trying to pass themselves off as you and there is not a thing you can do about it.

    Connor is not going to do that i am sure, it has been a very harsh lesson that thankfully will not damage the excellent work you have done. I would suggest that the team that make up Scottish Scoobies get their heads together and in any way you can protect the excellent foudations you have built so far.

    If this was the cut and thrust business world of a site generating income you would be screwed, any half decent SEO expert would be able to pull your traffic left right and centre and the first thing you would know about it would be a drop in revenue.

    Not wanting to be too big headed about it let me give you a real life example.


    You would think that the Abbey Group would be clever enough to own this domain and would have done so for years right?????


    I bought it about 2 years ago and it now provides more hits per week than i could ever imagine (Site is down getting revamped ready for a re-launch)

    I have my own financial company Abbey Financial Associates Ltd - We had to get domain approved by the FSA, and as long as we make it crystal clear we are Independent and NOT part of the Abbey Group there is nothing they can do.

    Maybe i should be one of lifes good guys and see if Abbey want to just pay me the domain registration costs and i will let them have the name because they never thought to register it???? ;)

    Look, you're missing the point. There is no legal complaint, or any other complaint AT ALL! As I said in my first post on this matter which Connor agreed with and Phil subsequently noted as a good point, is that people DON'T use the .net .co.uk part of an organisation or club. So, its a pain in the a*** to tell poeple that "I post over in Scottish Scoobies, thats Scottishscoobies.co.uk, not the scottishscoobies.net as that is another site with the same name, blah blah blah." It was a friendly suggestion and it was taken as such. So there is no need to munch on about failingto protect the brand, for no one is saying that!

    Also, what no one has pointed out is that Connor himself will have no unique identity. If I was starting a similiar thing, I'd want to step out from the shadows of that which was already established, making it clear that I am standing on my own two feet. Someone on here tried it before with SaltireScoobies, granted the venture never worked out that time, but the name was a good one becasue it said everything about what they where trying to do, "a Scottish-based Subaru club with not ties to any other" the name said it all and at no time caused confusion for the ordinary user. Conner cannot enjoy the same status as the afore mentioned SaltireScoobies.

    Again, good luck Connor, I hope it works out for you. Its an exciting and worthwhile project, but please, come up with a more intuative name that makes you distinct.

  10. got all 4 alloys replaced today whilst the car was in for a service at S&S. Would like to thank Lorna for all her help. It was the 30k serivec and the car feels a lot better after it. The wheels are a lighter gold colour which is weird but will end up getting them powder coated so not that bothered. Would also like to say thanks for the SIDC discount on my service which Lorna gave me which was a bot of a surprise but a welcome surpirse. also got the seat fixed as it was clunking a bit.

    Thanks S&S.

    Nice one on the discount especially since your NOT a member! :o;)

  11. I really do not see the major drama with this, he has bought the right to a domain name, he owns it, he is not some con artist who is trying to flog it to make a buck, he is a fellow Subaru enthusiast and will probably look after the name well.

    If he wishes to attract members to HIS forum then that is their right to choose as most did when the scotland part of scoobynet left on mass to here, i really dont get the problem.

    Connor, good luck mate and when your site is up and running, let me know and i will pop over for a look.


    No one is arguing about Conner starting his own site, good luck to him. But please, read the rest of the posts and then tell me that there is no issues with clubs that essentialy have identical names and an identical interest.

  12. Numpty is the word!!! Just realised there is a whole forum for membership enquiries!!

    You should get your welcome pack through soon. Mine took four days. It will include your card, tax disc holder, a wee book about forum ettiquette (I think) and some stickers. You should get the current "True Grip" as your membership was applied for, before its release date ;)

  13. Ross grow some balls for goodness sake, its YOUR car and you can do what YOU want to do with it.

    Jesus its a hell of a lot more dangerous going out for a B road blast, are you banned from them roads too???

    Pit 'em breeks on n get them telt Doric speech ;)


    There speaketh a SINGLE man!

  14. Haha John I know you too well, just knew you'd bite on this one ;)

    Will do tho. If it's not fitted before next meet I'll bring it and if it is I'll take pics to show you.

    You can take my car for a spin too for reference, that is if you can handle such a drop in power :o

    LOL! I'll take you up on that :rolleyes:

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