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Everything posted by stripe

  1. Oh me likey a lot!!!! That is top drawer mate
  2. Looks stunning mate, good job! Shame you have to change the wheels, they look ace
  3. Welcome to the mad house buddy, wipe your feet, hang up your coat and come in to enjoy the nonsense.......and post some pics of your Scoob whilst you're at it!
  4. Ha ha ha taxi for emoe!
  5. Whoops! Sorry, kinda feel bad now! Didn't mean any offence buddy, just tickled my humour, the name is genius I think!! The theory is a good idea, I am currently spending a fortune respraying my car thanks to many a stone chip, scratch etc, so from that point of view it is a good idea.......but it's just the thought of putting a bra on my car, just makes me chuckle! Made me laugh even more when TERZO NEIL asked if it was a sports bra ha ha!
  6. Ahhhhh that's the money shot right there!!
  7. I am still in awe of it, I find myself being drawn into looking at it every so often, just to confirm that I really am looking at a car bra.....I am trying to picture the person who would actually buy a car bra....with their beige trousers and sensible shoes
  8. Would happily respray the bonnet before I put a bra on my car......seriously, a car bra, jesus. It will be car pants and socks next
  9. What do we think about this then??? http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/produ...roducts_id=1374 I nearly wet myself when I saw this PMSL!!!!!
  10. Very very nice matey......lovin' the the blues too lol, wish we had panda's like that!
  11. We honestly aint all that bad you know!
  12. Ah, sorted then!
  13. Ah, sorted then!
  14. Make that 6........or do you know about me already!!!
  15. the very nice RB5 which is parked outside Hypertech........lovely example[Y]
  16. Certainly is! Just back, turns out the feeder pipe was loose, tightened it and the problem is sorted! Very helpfull folks, I will certainly be back.....pretty soon too!
  17. Always been a fan of the Terzo, and that looks like a fine example right there, looking good matey[Y]
  18. Heading over there today to get a very annoying oil leak sorted (think the rocker cover gasket is away) Have heard nothing but good things about Duncan, so looking forward to finding out for myself and finally meeting the man!
  19. well look on the bright side m8, nobody to stop you from going nuts with the MODS now [][] Once I get a bit of cash together, the Scoob won't know what hit her!
  20. Cheers bud, has kinda been coming for a while now, time to move on for us both!
  21. Well me and the Missus have just split up, so that's an easy one to answer
  22. I'm deffo sticking with the Classic, was thinking about a blob eye for a while, but this munter they are going to insult us with has made me realise just how good the classic is..........MON' THE CLASSICS!
  23. Really really really not impressed Subaru [] How much more do you appreciate the classic shape now!
  24. I have been using Tesco 99 eversince the Cumbernauld branch got it in. I have noticed my car is running a bit more smooth with it, and on a recent trip to Inverness I got 348 miles out of a tank, and the petrol light hadn't even came on before I filled up again. I think it's fantastic stuff, and a great price too!
  25. After the initial f**k up, I managed to get the sponsors logos on and looking good, then decided to stick the star's and swoosh on the bonnet which I managed ok aswell. So feeling all chuffed with myself I attempted to stick the rear swoosh and stars on.....well what a sodding mistake that was, the result being that I have just ordered another rear decal, outstanding job a made of that! Stevie, I will give John a call, thanks very much for that.
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