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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. Thanks Kim. I will log a ticket in future for any technical issues. Regards Chris
  2. eurocarparts are doing 15% off meguiars products just now. I got some of the endurance tire shine for a delivered price of £7.64. Not bad as far as i can tell price wise. Chris
  3. It's one like this scott. I got it in orange to match my old st
  4. ok so i just gave the wheels there first wash today and to say it was time consuming is an under statement. they are so fidly and i wondered what wee tools everyone used to make cleaning wheels easier? i have one of those wash gloves with mircrofibre worm like things but even that was a hassle. cheers chris
  5. No worries Dom. Service can resume back to normal and maybe better just removing this thread so Gordon doesn't get bombarded lol Chris
  6. Thanks for the info stu. I was going to log a ticket but wasn't sure if that was correct procedure. I will wait for Kim to get back to me before I resume normal services just in case i have missed something. Hope you guys are having a break after all the hard work on the first stages of the new site. Hopefully the weather will be as nice on the knockhill/agm day Cheers Chris
  7. Thanks stu. Guess the sooner the new site is fully developed the better and all these gremlins and hacks can longer cause problems. Chris
  8. I sent Kim a pm on wed night after it was pointed out it had gone AWOL. I was going to email the membership@sidc.co.uk address but I think there may be an issue with that address as I have asked for a couple of threads to be pinned but have had no response. It is just very strange for it to have gone awol along with my access to the ro forum without any notification. As I said in my pm to Kim if this is just a technical issue and is a hassle to fix then don't waste time on it as the website takes priority. Cheers Chris
  9. What time Scott? Might need to pop along to Gordon's to help out take the club stuff if it doesn't fit into his classic. If he removes his detailing shop from his boot it may fit lol
  10. I did wonder the same thing Paul as I know times were hard over the winter.
  11. Thanks phil. I appreciate your help. Chris
  12. I fear I may be the victim of Internet hacking like the site went under a couple of weeks ago. I have asked for some clarification as I have had no correspondence to this at all. Maybe you could see if you have any joy finding out phil with you being an all round nice guy? Chris
  13. Not sure to be honest Gordon.
  14. Until further notice could the members of the Glasgow region please direct all club related questions and suggestions to gordon(G1983) please. Many thanks Chris aka Tom cruise
  15. So the big event is tomorrow so the question is what are you doing to prepare your pride and joy for this? It is sunny for a change so should be a good day to show of some shiny parts lol Chris
  16. Need stage 33 and reinforced seems with an escape hatch lol
  17. Had the car out a wee blast tonight and bedded the discs in and there up is much improvement Chris
  18. I sense a mini meet at Scott's coming up soon
  19. Found some of those protectors on ebay thatwe saw when we got the wheels fitted Scott. Technical question here for the detailers, how do I care for my nice new wheels
  20. Did the kit come with new gaskets or did you use the old ones?
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