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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. No way that was done on your phone Paul. Not enough spelling bloopers in it lol.
  2. Congratulations and all the best. Hope the weather stays good
  3. That's cracking mate lol
  4. Until the next time Chris. It's been a blast ?
  5. Welcome back. Check out he for sale section to see if there are any. If you have a photobucket account it is easy to post pics from a mobile. I have mastered it so must be simple lol. Chris
  6. Amazon local are doing 50% off go karting at knockhill if anyone is interested. Terms and conditions are detailed on the amazon local site.
  7. Not sure if you have seen this wee how to? Shows how to post pics using the uploader option instead of photobucket
  8. Well today would be Colin's birthday and therefore I thought it would be good to get people to post up their favourite pictures or videos of Colin in action. His flip at x games just goes to show what a talented driver he was.
  9. Just use you 401 ponies Davie it won't take you long on the round trip ? Hopefully see you at the next one
  10. I have also started an auction in the general section for some stuff from the McRae gathering. Just in case you don't look in that section I thought I would let you know here.
  11. How do you strike a balance, "if"and that is only an "if" over moderation is a possible cause of lack of traffic on this forum.
  12. Tickets available on the day or just contact me and payment goes through me. This is open to all regions etc and not just Scottish section. Not sure best way of communicating this to all areas without spamming. Would moving it to general section help maybe?
  13. I have owned three scoobs over the years. Have always liked the wrc and followed Colin McRae and Richard burns. Guy at my old work bought an rb5 and that made me take the plunge and buy an 03 plate silver wrx. I fettled wiith it a bit then sold it and bought a civic type r(the last of the good models lol). As soon as I sold the scoob I regretted it and ended up buying a 56 plate silver Sti. Fettled with it and Andy mapped it and I lovrd being back behind the wheel of a scoob. Ended up selling that due to getting married and having to pay for a wedding as well as it needing quite a bit if money spent on the chocolate struts etc. I bought a silver 04 plate Sti last year after 2 years away from scoobs as I missed them too much and with only needing a weekend car a scoob fitted the bill nicely. I don't plan on selling this one as my wife and I both enjoy track days and the scoob is perfect for it. Even when I didn't have a scoob I was still passionate about the brand. Granted I didn't really post much on here but the brand was still strong in my heart. There is just something about the flat four burble. To be honest my second scoob was probably my perfect scoob and I regret selling it so much. Scooby 1 Scooby 2 Scooby 3
  14. With regards to forum activity, this was discussed a few months ago and granted at that time I put my hands up to posting quite a bit of non technical/meet posts etc(otherwise know as spam apparently) but there was very little activity like we are experiencing now and I was just trying to get some banter going. It was clear at that point that there were several different views on what the forum should be used for but am sure we could come up with a happy medium. I have dramatically reduced my posting to try and accommodate everyone. Although I do seem to get mentioned a lot in posts, mainly getting the urine extracted out of me but I know it is all in good faith(well I hope it is lol). I don't like dragging up the past but I think this is valid to the discussion topic and I am not criticising by any means. I may have been a bit too keen but my heart was in the right place and I took on board everyone's comments at the time. With regards to lack of attendance at meets. We should be able to accommodate everyone's needs. Have a bit for general chatting and exhaust polishing(whatever that is) at the start for those those that wish to and then have a drive, for those that wish to. We post up what time each one starts and people go to whatever they want. I know I don't always want to go a drive but would still like to pop along for a catchup with people and similarly people may just want to go a drive but not stand about a car park. Comments have been made on several occasions about people not wanting to post in case things kick off etc. I think that we have all grown up lately and gus made a valid comment at the agm by saying we should think first about what we are going to post. No matter what forum you go on there will always be instances when things do get heated but that shouldn't be that often. There will always be people that post and get silly comments made to but again that happens on all forums. No matter what I post I always seem to get reminded that my wife drives faster than me, I like cats and I should bring my sister to meets. This happens even when I ask a serious question. No doubt it will happen on this thread.
  15. Looks like you have been found out chris and the car isn't as powerful as you say lol
  16. I was warming the car up and did the sighting laps if you must know so she had an unfair advantage lol
  17. Don't worry mr, after a few wee taps here and there not only will it go as fast as a Subaru but it will look as good as a Subaru to lol
  18. I have subscribed to your post Chris as I am interested to see people's comments
  19. Guys, I may be able to source stickers but can't get them for free. Do you want me to try get a price? Chris
  20. He was last spotted on the highland fling this year
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