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It was a cold December day in 2005 when an idea was implanted in my head by a certain Mr Greer, an idea that soon started snowballing with parts being sourced and flying from all corners. Wrong ones arrived and were dispatched, some took forever to be found, i started losing my hair while Bill Greer was heard saying "Never again, this is a definate one off!!" on numerous occasions.

The car went off the road in April 2006 for the transformation to begin, i went off abroad to work for a couple of months full of hope that i would have the car back on the road in about 3 months time again..............................Oh how wrong was i!!!

It has been a long hard road, patience is not one of my great virtues and at times am sure Bill and Colin Greer probably wished my phone would break due to the badgering phonecalls. It all seems to have paid off with limited patience and alot of help from Wilky and the Squirrel doing running about for me while i was abroad working.................Thanks gents!

Tomorrow should be D-Day with the last little bits being done, brakes on, wheels tightened and key turned!!!!


So here it is..................................










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Top Posters In This Topic

No1....I do sex wee in my pants

No2....I still do sex wee in my pants

No3....The best Scoob i have ever seen.....period

No4....I am off work for the next 2 days.....must see this car

No5....Still doing the sex wee thing

No6....The fuel flap is a stunning work of art



No9....Hard to type through mess on screen

No10..He thanked me for helping.....wooooohoooooo

No11..So much sex wee, now suffering from a calcium deficiency

No12..Now been taken to hospital still suffering from sex wee.  Paramadics are calling it the "Gush"

No14..From the front splitter to the rear spoiler........Wowzer


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No1....I do sex wee in my pants

No2....I still do sex wee in my pants

No3....The best Scoob i have ever seen.....period

No4....I am off work for the next 2 days.....must see this car

No5....Still doing the sex wee thing

No6....The fuel flap is a stunning work of art



No9....Hard to type through mess on screen

No10..He thanked me for helping.....wooooohoooooo

No11..So much sex wee, now suffering from a calcium deficiency

No12..Now been taken to hospital still suffering from sex wee.  Paramadics are calling it the "Gush"

No14..From the front splitter to the rear spoiler........Wowzer



FPMSL..............i shall make sure i stop in for a brew.  Fuel cap hass over 40 hours of work in it alone  [:)]

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No1....I do sex wee in my pants

No2....I still do sex wee in my pants

No3....The best Scoob i have ever seen.....period

No4....I am off work for the next 2 days.....must see this car

No5....Still doing the sex wee thing

No6....The fuel flap is a stunning work of art



No9....Hard to type through mess on screen

No10..He thanked me for helping.....wooooohoooooo

No11..So much sex wee, now suffering from a calcium deficiency

No12..Now been taken to hospital still suffering from sex wee.  Paramadics are calling it the "Gush"

No14..From the front splitter to the rear spoiler........Wowzer



FPMSL..............i shall make sure i stop in for a brew.  Fuel cap hass over 40 hours of work in it alone  [:)]

I shall put the kettle on when i here you coming over the bridge

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Andy, I'd always imagined what this car would look like. Seen a couple of wideboys in the mags etc. but this is a different gravy altogether.

It looks like it's just come out the front door at prodrive with ticks in all the boxes that say "tarmac rally spec". Absolutely stunning. I can't think of 1 thing I'd want to change on that at all. 11 out of 10

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Thanks people, have been through a fair amount of stressing with this project but when i saw it for the first time yesterday it was better than i could have expected.

The car will be staying clean and free of graphics, i feel that graphics will break the car up too much and the lines will all disappear.


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