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Ross minimad

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Everything posted by Ross minimad

  1. Yeah the towbar was on it when i bought it...... the towbar was made by Witter. You could fit it easily enough yourself probably....... I spent last saturday fitting a towbar to my new sensible post scooby car ( bmw 320d tourer) its not hard just a bit of common sense. Somebody asked me about the towbar a while back so i took these photos of it.......
  2. Hi, I had (sold it a few weeks ago) a1998 UK impreza turbo with a towbar onto which I mounted a towbar fixed bike rack. there were no conflicts with the exhaust or the bumper and you could even open the boot with the rack + bikes on the car. The handle bar came within 6 inches of the top of the spoiler but this was OK and the two never banged into each other. Hope that helps.
  3. i filled up today in kirkintiloch - was weird looking at the receipt - its not often you get more litres than pounds spent! did about 190 miles today going mountain biking down near dumfires, so i think i'll go to Low moss 2mrw and fill up again make the most of the lower prices
  4. I use a tow ball mounted bike rack..... it works great as no parts of either the rack or the bike get anywhere near the car so no fear of chips or scrapes. the only draw back is you need a tow bar.
  5. Nah your not going mad I'm still smiling and I've had mine for just over a year!
  6. i got mine from Jason at Scoobybits, http://www.scoobybits.co.uk/shop_wheels.htm there was a planned group buy on scoobynet a while back so i had hoped to join in with that but as it turned out that group buy never happened because of lack of interest.
  7. thanks for the positive comments, i'm really pleased with how its looking now. As for the request to paint more calipers...... no chance ! never again!! doing the red was easy enough, but the white was painfully slow to do - i don't have a very steady hand so it took ages to do!
  8. Hey folks, thought i'd let you guys see my new wheels. they are Inovite Redlines in hyper silver and they've got Toyo T1-R's on them. Took it out on Saturday for a wee spin over the dukes pass down beside Aberfoyle....... very pleased with the grip from the tyres and the general feel of the car just going from 16 to 17 inches has made a nice difference! When i was changing the wheels i also replaced the front discs so i gave the calipers a fresh coat of paint while i was there....... the white text was erm ..... fun to do !
  9. very nice...... looks like you'll have a lot of fun in that!
  10. hi, its not a subaru towbar its a Witter towbar....... don't know if there is any differences between the two? any way here some pis of it. Hope they are of some help....... its pretty hard to take pics under your car!
  11. hi, I've got a tow bar on my classic. its got a scooby sport back box on it. I use the towbar for a towbar mounted bike rack and it works great. no part of the rack or the bikes come anywhere near the back of the car so no worries about wrecking paint!
  12. thanks for the comments / advice, I think if i can i'll not go for budget tyres as someone mentioned with our weather its best to have as much grip as possible!
  13. I’m toying with the idea of getting some new wheels, I’m pretty taken by the Inovit Redline’s. What do you guys think? What about the size – should I go for 17’s or are 18’s the way to go, I’ve seen a few places selling these wheels some deals they come with ‘ budget’ tyres….. are budget tyres something to avoid – are they that much worse than expensive branded tyres? If the budgets are best avoided what tyres do folk best recommend? Any help would be great. existing wheels with Inovit Redlines
  14. Hi Mark.........small world eh! nice to put a name from a forum to someone i've actually met! I saw the pictures of your car in the pictures sections........ looks great. The tow bar does actually get used pretty regularly, i do a fair bit of mountain biking and i've got one of those tow bar mounted bike racks. It works great as i don't have any hassles like what you'd get with a regular bike rack that would get in the way of the wing. I'll check out the March run, sounds like fun!
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome, glad you like the car......its pretty standard and unabused, i got it with only 47000 miles on it - I've added a few thousand miles to that but even so still a low mileage. I added the mudflaps to it and the previous owner added the scoobysport back box, the only things i plan to do to it are to change the nasty tango indicators and gets some bigger wheels....... don't think the 16inch wheels really fill the arches. Yes Del the pictures were taken up on the road over the campsies
  16. Hi folks, been meaning to join the forum for ages as I have gained loads of information from here over the last year or so…… I bought my Impreza, a silver 98 UK turbo last March and haven’t stopped smiling since, they really are as good as folk say they are! Not that I need to tell you guys that. Heres a couple of pictures of my car.
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