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Quickest new age?

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Going well Peter, am a bit bored right enough if i'm honest, cause there's nothing to tinker with.

Driving the car isn't doing much for me which is probably a strange thing to say but true!!

My interest in the car has definitely been the tuning side of it and the results than using it.

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Going well Peter, am a bit bored right enough if i'm honest, cause there's nothing to tinker with. Driving the car isn't doing much for me which is probably a strange thing to say but true!! My interest in the car has definitely been the tuning side of it and the results than using it.

You want to start tuning mines then?

Go out and drive your car m8 and goto as many outings/meets/runs/knockhill/crail/back road blast as you can m8..

Then you'll enjoy it more.


JS 500/1020*1000 = 490BHP/Tonne

AG 600/1320*1000 = 455BHP/Tonne

AF undisclosed/realy light*1000 = Hunners and Hunners [:D]

CW ?



Thanks for that John, quite a difference eh?

And i reckon your P/W is even greater since you last had Andy look at it for your last event where you said it was "really quick now", so must be around the 550 mark? (basing it on the fact that i'd doubt you'd notice something like 20bhp of a difference. Not when you've got 500 anyway!!)

I'll help anyone out Peter, you only need to ask.

Hopefully i've helped a few guys out on here before and i've gave them sound advice.


I'm sure a rough estimation wouldn't be too far out.

Assume John's car does the 1/4 mile in 11.0 seconds at something like 130mph. This gives a ratio of 130/11 = 11.8

Andy's car does the 1/4 miles in 9.1 seconds at say 160mph, giving a ratio of 18.1

490bhp/tonne * 18.1/11.8 = 750bhp/tonne [:D]

OK there's too many variables concerning available traction, gear change points, drag coeffiecient, rolling drag of tyres etc. to make it 100% accurate, but it gives you a general idea of the performance differences.

Given that at standard Impreza is around 170 - 200bhp/tonne (and that's generally regarded as quick!), you can see that Alan's, John's and Andy's cars are [insert expression of choice] quick!

For example, John's car can accelerate at about 3 times as fast as a standard Impreza, whilst Andy's would be in the region of 4.5 times as fast as a standard Impreza.

If you can imagine how quick that is, perhaps you can realise how you need to treat cars this powerful with a lot of respect, and how it can be difficult to use/harnass all that power safely, especially on the road.



"If can can imagine how quick that is, perhaps you can realise how you need to treat cars this powerful with a lot of respect, and how it can be difficult to use/harnass all that power safely, especially on the road."

How true..

Having a quick calculation with different bhp's to compare the bhp/tonne (490*1.32), you can see how beneficial it is get rid of as much weight as possible.

For example for me to get anywhere near JohnSt, i'd need around 650bhp!

And if JohnSt "only" has 550bhp, i'd need 715bhp to be comparable!!

Nah..... prefer my comfort i think... :D


lol. I wish!

Hmm... spend 1,ooo's trying to get 650bhp and beyond and risk reliability issues or rip everything out that's not needed for nowt... and stick with my diet...

Sounds like a plan..... :D


JS 500/1020*1000 = 490BHP/Tonne

AG 600/1320*1000 = 455BHP/Tonne

AF undisclosed/realy light*1000 = Hunners and Hunners :D]" src="/emoticons/emotion-3.gif">

CW - My cars struts were missaligned and I was lifting the OSF at 6800rpm at dastek despite the car being strapped down like the Indian Chief in "One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest". The power run was inconclusive at 424bhp 414Lb/Ft But lets just run with that, no excuses.

My car weighs 1060 atm , so your all still producing more per tonne than me, but I would love to run on the rollers with you or if you prefer the plural, youz.

i dont have the advantage of a 2.5 or 2.33. [:D]

Callum W



"but I would love to run on the rollers with you"

Nah mate i've never been one for keep fit, but i'll put the car on if you like. ;-)

There's nowt lacking in your 2.0litre wilky (414Ib ft torque??), so don't feel disappointed!


I have no interest in being in the same vacinity as a bloke with a Mis-Alligned Strut !!!


that would have to be the most powerful 2.0L in Ecosse


"If can can imagine how quick that is, perhaps you can realise how you need to treat cars this powerful with a lot of respect, and how it can be difficult to use/harnass all that power safely, especially on the road." How true.. Having a quick calculation with different bhp's to compare the bhp/tonne (490*1.32), you can see how beneficial it is get rid of as much weight as possible. For example for me to get anywhere near JohnSt, i'd need around 650bhp! And if JohnSt "only" has 550bhp, i'd need 715bhp to be comparable!! Nah..... prefer my comfort i think... ;)


I would imagine recent change has made the car less powerfull, so even 500 HP is optomistic. However its all happening earlier, so performance will have increased....realtive to your 'Pimp' mobile [;)]


One stat that I gathered from my car that I pondered over for some time was the acceleration from 100mph in 3rd gear measured at 0.95G



Pah thats nothing, according to the 30quid device from Ebay i pull 6g under accell and produce 780bhp in reverse



One stat that I gathered from my car that I pondered over for some time was the acceleration from 100mph in 3rd gear measured at 0.95G



Pah thats nothing, according to the 30quid device from Ebay i pull 6g under accell and produce 780bhp in reverse



Have you been at the green stuff all week[;)]


"One stat that I gathered from my car that I pondered over for some time was the acceleration from 100mph in 3rd gear measured at 0.95G"

Pondered on what? How to get over 1g at 100mph in 3rd??? :-D

"I would imagine recent change has made the car less powerfull, so even 500 HP is optomistic."

What was the change John?

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