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get well wishes to Ruby

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Just thought ya'all should know that Ruby the Scooby was taken into hospital yesterday with a bad lung infection, she is in Stirling Royal infirmary Ward 4 so if you are nearby im sure she would love to have a visitor or 2.

Wish her a speedy recovery, knowing Sharon and speed she will be done for getting well too quick [;)]

Some people will do anything rather than walk over the FRB I tell's thee [:D]


I agree St3p3n, I'm sure the nurses and doctor's are getting a laugh with her.

Get Well Soon Sharon. We will miss the laughter until your return.



Get well soon Sharon. God help the poor doctors and nurses [;)]


Heres hoping she doesnt come out wanting a job as a hospital porter. Iam not sure the trolleys and wheelchairs were designed to be driven that way she'd drive them [;)]

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