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the worst month i can remember............

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Maybe this is a stupid question but what about the actual piece of paper that we all have. Did you have one or not? My driving license to me is the bit of paper and the wee card. I assume that you have moved house since originally passing your test. I had moved around from flat to flat when in Uni all the time and only recently changed the address on my driving license after finding out that there is  £1000 fine for having the wrong address on your driving license. Did you ever hire a car, did you not have to prove your driving status to your employer?

Not meaning to offend just wondering that if you had the paper then surely it's not your fault and so they shouldn't be able to make you resit!

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Lost the license a while back, sent away for a replacement, never got anything back, thought it strange and intended to send the form away and try again. never got round to it with one thing and another. apparently it was a clerical error they issued one to begin with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????/

next thing- its all back to square one.

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I have a lawyer who is fighting this with the DVLA just now. He thinks that it could be overturned but in case that doesnt happen i have to get my date for the test as i have done for next week.

If it gets overturned then the date would be changed with the DVLA and i would save my insurance costs etc

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kin hell mate, so they know that you have passed your test but yet because of one thing or another you did'nt get a bit of paper to some muppet so they could then tell you that you can drive ????

what a load!!!  

why do they have this close off date anyway? do you forget how to drive after this time???

by the way, i know what you mean about not having the scoob, been without mine for a couple of months now and am a bit edgy..............

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**** me iv heard of people doing this never actually thought it happened.

my mum recieved a fine a while ago for a fault on the car and having a N.ireland licence it expires every 10 years (don't know why) and she had been driving for 10 years with no licence and the officer said honest mistake and let her off.

u had any criminal proceedings taken against ya??

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les had the same sort of thing happen to him he had just been stopped for silly speeds and had to hand in his licence to the court until the hearing it was a provisional but he had pass certificate he was then banned and because the date went by he had to resit his theory, test etc etc. this is quite a common thing i have heard ot a few times recently? they shouldnt be allowed to do this or should send you put a letter like the road tax does

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The theory test was something that i didnt think was straight forward without studying. After looking through the pack that BSM gave me for a while it started to become fair enough. Then afterwards theres a series of videos that you need to watch and click the mouse when a hazard appears. I dont think that if you were a learner for the first time this would be easy.

Then this practical part now has a set of questions at the start of the test that you need to answer. If you fack them up you get a minor marked against you. You now would have 14 minors left.

The reverse park, reverse round corners and other things that need to be done in parrot fashion is fair enough. its the using bus lanes when you should and dont when you shouldnt and never going over 30mph.

Seems straight forward but with a pass rate of 34% at the test centre im going to and the instructor telling me the examiners have a ratio to fail regardless of ability per week???????????????????????? who knows what might happen.


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It's not Sandyhills is it? Heard they're the toughest.

The pass/fail ratio is not a myth, if you're at the start of the week its ok but if you're at the end you might have failed before you even sit in the car. If you think about it the more people they fail the safer their jobs are because of all the resits.

Just turn up in full cammo gear, face painted the lot and say you'll follow him home afterwards to "discuss" why he failed you.

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