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O/T Roundabouts

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This is probably going to sound like a silly post but i dont care as i need to vent.

Have the rules changed since i passed my test 15 years ago or are the roads full of tw@ts who just cant drive or are too lazy. I have noticed more and more that people coming onto roundabouts are failing to indicate until the exit they are wanting to take.

I was taught if your going left indicate left, straight on indicate on exit, 3rd exit indicate right then opposite way on exit and 4th exit same as 3rd. It seems that people are either been taught not to bother indicating till your exit or not at all or there is just a lot of crap drivers out there.

Can someone put my mind at ease either way what is the correct way of tackling a roundabout.



Anything past 12'o'clock then I'll indicate and then indicate when I'm coming off down the 'straight ahead' exit, I'll do this even if the road markings have a straightforward arrow...




Well Least you dont have to negotate this roundabout in swindon  [;)]



Here We got turn right at the next rounabout





Rules of this Rounabout hahahaha



Driving in Aberdeen can be a nightmare at the best of times. My pet

hate at roundabouts are those that won't queue to turn left, rather go

to the roundabout and do a 360 or those that turn left from the outside

lane [;)]. Any one turning from North Esplanade West into Market Street

will know exactly what i'm talking about. !


yep ya got that right sgt scooby i,ve had the same even commin from work at porty people in right hand lane indicate right then turn left cuttin me up (not if i,m in the scoob)

basic manners on the road aare dismal pulling out on dualers/changin lanes without indicating at the last moment

muchalls bend is notorious for some feckwit to just pull right into traffic

next is mr i have get  past you even if its through yer glovebox,so close to yer back bumper i can see wots on his parcel shelf  i left foot brake em and shoot off

been round that swindon mini mess took my militray drivin test in cardiff roundabout that  had 13 exits in the rush hour o joy



I honestly think people just dont know how to use roundabouts.

We had an accident last xmas at a roundabout in dundee on our way up to Aberdeen, because some idiot decided to go all the way round in the left hand lane.

Adam put a diagram of it up on a forum he uses and so many people replied who had no idea what lanes they should be in, how they should come off the roundabout, how to indicate....

And the amount of people that said 'oh I get really nervous when I'm approaching a roundabout' or 'I hate roundabouts'.....I'm sorry, but you shouldnt have a license then


Rant over lol


This is probably going to sound like a silly post but i dont care as i need to vent.

Have the rules changed since i passed my test 15 years ago or are the roads full of tw@ts who just cant drive or are too lazy. I have noticed more and more that people coming onto roundabouts are failing to indicate until the exit they are wanting to take.

I was taught if your going left indicate left, straight on indicate on exit, 3rd exit indicate right then opposite way on exit and 4th exit same as 3rd. It seems that people are either been taught not to bother indicating till your exit or not at all or there is just a lot of crap drivers out there.

Can someone put my mind at ease either way what is the correct way of tackling a roundabout.


Spot on here! thats how I would signal and was taught to some 19 years ago[:$] .....and just checked again with a driving test examiner[;)

Its not only people failing to indicate but not taking the correct lane in the first place[:@] or not reading road markings.




I knew i was right, i thought i might have missed something that happened to the laws in uk when i was out of country for 4 years, so its just incompetence from a huge majority of drivers.

feel better after that rant thanks all





Yep, i would agree with you guys.

 And as a HGV driver people don,t know their lanes [:@]

Best roundabouts are the ones controlled by lights.

Just as mant CRAP drivers in Perth,present company accepted.


There's a roundabout I use on the way home. It has 4 exits. The 1st and 4th are however almost in a straight line. It has 2 lanes. So you've got the entry point, first one to the left to go to a petrol station, next one on the left to a housing estate and the last one to where I go.

Which lane does EVERYONE except me appear to use, no matter where they're going?


The amount of looks I've got because I've dared to use the right. fing idiots.


My two pet hates are people who:

a) Stick in the left lane, indicate that they are going right (often as they approach the roundabout), then go straight ahead. It means you can't pass them on the right on a dual carriageway, and have to crawl round wondering if they are going to turn into you or across the front of you.

;) Don't indicate at all, stick in the left lane and then go right around the roundabout until the 3rd or later exit. You assume they are going straight ahead, and then they do cut you up or nearly drive into you.

I've had so many close calls over the years, that now I am extra careful on roundabouts when anyone is alongside or likely to join.





Wonder how often they have to repaint that little lot!! Bet it's quite often.


I'll bet ANY money, Bob has loads of fun on that!!! ROTF! [;)]


I tottaly agree.  It really does my nut in!!  But does anybody agree that the art of indicating - full stop, seemed to have deserted most drivers.  Or even worse is the old Mirror, signal, manovure!  It seems to be manovure, **** the mirrors who cares whats behind me, signal! 

I also feel that whether approaching a roundabout or sitting behind a driver, seems to provoke people to do this, or for some to think there bog standard family car is now a rally bred flying machine and they will make you eat their dust.

Daily occurance these days, I trust no driver on the road, except fellow scoobies of course!


The closest rounabout to me even has the road numbers written in each lane but people STILL go in the wrong lane then cut in at the last minute . Glad i drive a landcruiser most days.



The indicator routines you specified are what I was taught 15 years ago and are still technically correct (based on advanced driving excursions).

However, since you drive in Aberdeen you will realise that nowadays they seem to teach a more "politically correct" approach to help the indecisive and hard of thinking, whereby indicators are optional, and IF applied may be applied in the opposite direction to which the the driver intends to maneuvre, depending on mood.  The approach lane at a roundabout seems now to be selected based on spotting the lane with the shortest queue.

This new mantra can be observed each morning at the Haudigan roundabout between 0730 and 0900, and each evening between approx 1600 and 1800, where large numbers of drivers can be seen demonstrating the new "pick any lane and indicate randomly" approach.

My personal favourite "accident chasers" are those who approach Haudigan on North Anderson Drive in left hand lane (of 3) at bottom, going STRAIGHT ON (for non Aberdeen people it's clearly marked left turn only) !!!! I nearly drove the scoob into the side of one of these idiots when going left from the middle lane and the guy behind me missed my boot by an inch.  Still don't know why there wasn't an accident.



RA, i used do haudigan a numbers of years back and know exatly what you mean, that has to be one of worst in uk, my company might be moving to dyce from westhill which is making me feel sick that i might have to commute out that way once again, i have told them that if they move i want flexible hours to avoid that nightmare.

This issue with indicating has been building up in me for years and i had to vent today as i was nearly flattened on bridge of dee roundabout by a chelsea tractor so i stopped and starred at the guy with a look of shock, he then proceeded to mouth plenty of abuse at me and show the finger, how pleasent. I am not a violent man but that nearly sent me over the edge. He just pulled right out as i passed him then made out i was in wrong.Angry [:@]



If you move to dyce you'll have to sell the scoob!! MPG is crap sitting in queues.  Either that or avoid 0700-1000 and 1600-1800 coming in/out of dyce and bucksburn otherwise it's one big queue.  I use the haudigan but work flexi so never hit big queues there.  If I MUST b on the road doing a 9-5 then I'll take back roads into town to avoid.  Plus back roads are more fun ;)]" src="/emoticons/emotion-1.gif">

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