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Interesting M Coupe video

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Cracking video

That boy can drive

Flat through red lights, wrong way down the slip road, Scandi flick through a busy T junction and some crazy 3 figure speeds through heavy traffic. If all else fails he would make a good DHL driver

Suppose the best place to do a Scandinavian flick is on the streets of Scandinavia


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I'll could tell it was "Ghost Rider" driving that!!!! He does similarly mental things on the back wheel with a 500bhp Turbo'd Hyabusa and on one of his DVD's is racing an Evo and an STI through the streets of Stockholm.

The guys muckin Fental face-icon-small-confused.gifface-icon-small-happy.gifface-icon-small-tongue.gif

Anyone want a lane o one of his DVD's? he can seriously handle two (sometimes 1 wheel) and four wheels.


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