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Giving up smoking...

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A short, and completely off-topic, rant by Plug about giving up smoking.

I have been a regular smoker since the age of 18 (so that's 22 years now for those of you that don't know me). I did have a brief hiatus in 1990 or thereabouts, gave up for nearly a year after splitting with my then fiancee and having to deal with the enforced poverty arising therefrom.

However, after one particularly bad day at work, I cadged a Benson and Hedges from a colleague and was straight off down the newsagents for a full packet about 10 minutes later. Stupid, and I was back on 20 a day in short order.

Fast forward 14 years, coming to rest last Sunday. I was lucky enough (if you can call it that) to come down with a particularly evil strain of cold/flu, confining me to bed for 48hrs. To say I was not a happy camper would have been an understatement. But, as every cloud has a silver lining, I didn't have the slightest urge to smoke during those 2 days (actually, getting oxygen of out the air was hard enough).

Once I could breathe again, I thought I might as well try and carry on without the fags... I am now on day 4 and haven't succumbed, although I'm sure some of my colleagues wish I would. This is hard, b*st*rd rotten to the core hard, some doctors reckon going cold turkey off heroin is easier than nicotine withdrawal. Never having been one for hard drugs, I'm not in a position to comment, but it is driving me mental with a capital M.

I *WILL* make it stick this time.. but I need words of encouragement. Misery loves company.. anyone else trying to quit?



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I stopped 6 weeks ago and the 1st week was a 'mare but when you beat a few 'cravings', it gets easier every time and I found myself more determined to do it. Now I only have the occasional craving. I used to chain smoke when drinking so I decided to test myself to the full by having a few beers every night for the 1st 2 weeks and I only tried to kick the cat twice..... face-icon-small-frown.gif my bedroom wardropes dented where I tried to punch through it face-icon-small-mad.gifface-icon-small-mad.gif oops

It's the hardest thing I've ever done.

Good luck face-icon-small-smile.gif

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I'm also on week 7 of quitting,a night out is worse i went see Jack Dee on Friday and could have murdered for a ciggie especially as everyone around me was smoking.

But didnt give in, my breathing feels so good now and I dont get out of breath so much at karate,so I'm feeling the benefits.

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Best of luck M8. It can't be easy, but if you get the urge, get on here and take your mind off it. Yeah OK, get a laptop too and take it to the pub. Seriously, if you see what I see, not just lungs, you wouldn't touch another fag, ever. Just keep at it, you too Geoff.

Think of all the mods you will be able to afford.

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No you don't Vix, you just need to pick the right time to start quitting - when life is going well and you are not stressed - and you need to have the right people around you to support you.

When you are ready to quit, you will find the strength to see it through face-icon-small-wink.gif

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<< No you don't Vix, you just need to pick the right time to start quitting - when life is going well and you are not stressed - and you need to have the right people around you to support you.

When you are ready to quit, you will find the strength to see it through face-icon-small-wink.gif >>


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I quit February 4th and haven't looked back

For most I think it is about the enjoyment of having a fag.

I enjoyed it more than I needed it.

A few reasons why I quit:

1. Felt like I was in the wrong for enjoying a fag (Like I had the lergy or something)

2. Thought I should quit sooner rather than later for health reasons

3. It's disgusting in the sense it makes you F**king stink

4. And If I wanted to stay in the community of scoobies then I needed to quit as it was costing me a fortune.

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I quit 6 months ago after 14 years of smoking.

1st week was quite hard, after that it wasn't too bad. I just got addicted to chewing gum, which isn't so bad, at least my breathe is nice and minty all the time instead of smelling like an ashtray.

LOL at Kim's reasons their all true face-icon-small-happy.gif

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i gave up 3 months ago

best thing i ever did

i smell nicer the house smells nicer and even the car smells nicer

well done kim so glad you kept with it and boy we could see you were struggling when you started boy that mood of yours lol

good luck with it mate and just keep with it

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Thanks for all the stories and kind words.

Day 5 has been a struggle as I haven't been at work today, at least that keeps my mind busy. But I am still going! Reading how all you lot have managed it has increased my resolve.

I was wobbling earlier, went and had a look at nicotine patches, they cost almost as much as fags! I'm going to do it the hard way. I can do stubborn in huge quantities, as anyone who's tried to win an argument against me will verify. The main thing I keep thinking of is how much of the cost of a packet of fags is TAX!! The taxman grabs far too much out of my salary as it is, then whatever else you buy with what's left gets taxed as well. When, like me, your favourite things are booze, fags, and Optimax it doesn't take a brain the size of a planet to work out that Gordon Brown rubs his hands every time I get my wallet out. At least with fags off the list I won't be getting shafted quite as badly.

Cheers all,


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I stopped at new year and have only had a sly couple when really pissed!!! It is hard but I feel so much better for it and no longer out of breath......coming home from night out not smelling like an ashtray is great also - you can do it mate, 1 day at a time and before long you will have forgotten all about the nasty things!!!!face-icon-small-smile.gif

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