imprezapete Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Dam I wish I could have went will there be another this year?
ally-b Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 I was driving the Blue mica Wagon (which everyone overtook BTW ) What a great day
johns Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Glad everyone enjoyed the day. The weather was a big bonus, and it was a lot warmer than I was expecting. Lots of very nice cars both on track and in the car park. Next event is only a provisional date at the moment and it's 12th June and only 3 hours. More details will be posted up once the event, time and price has been sorted out. See you all there next time hopefully. John
micra_wrc Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Andy, yup, i had the camera out when you were in front of us on the drive home. we were commenting on how lovely your ar$e was and grant wanted to get a photo of your rear! see..... andy's behind Imy
kennyi Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Borrowed link with loads of pics from Scottish Elises server down at moment Me Will hopefully get some more posted later Big thumbs up to John for organising, superb day
wilky Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 What a fantastic day! Thanks to all who passed kind comments about about the Millenium falcon, Its great to have her running again after her lengthy heart transplant Thanks also once again to John S for a great day. The car really was shifting until fuel starvation started to set in once the tank started to get low.......Back to the drawing board, for The Squirrel has a cunning plan.....!! A few mentions... Thanks to Grant for Peeing on my seat and staining them with Range Glue Thanks to Big Andy for whooping in my ear as we went around the track making me deaf, and staying Alive when we went sideways Thanks to The red Noble for proving that £45 000 still wont buy a car quick enough to beat the falcon. And thanks to Jack McFarlane for selling his slicks cheap, because they really do make such a difference. Managed to put a few names to a few faces, See youn all next time! Callum W
neo2742 Posted March 6, 2005 Posted March 6, 2005 Glad you all had a good time couldnt make it this time round though - better weather than last year as it was terrential rain all day then and i span off on my 5th lap and damaged the tracking - result had to drive back to Newcastle at 40mph - not nice John let us know when the next one is will defo be there!! cheers Mickey
johnnyr6 Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 My pleasure imy, glad i came off the track when i did as i got home with 1mm of brake pad left up front and 2mm at back.
johnnyr6 Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Forgot to ask did anyone get photo's or vid footage of playstan spinning off at the hairpin?
~ ~ Cal ~~ Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Evening all, Thanks to JohnS as always - REALLY enjoyed my first track session in the Scooby - had no spins or off's which was a plus for me and my Scooby learning curve. I have some good footage of Matt and some others. I'll hopefully have it up by tommorow Cheers Cal
the squiggle Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 << Forgot to ask did anyone get photo's or vid footage of playstan spinning off at the hairpin? >> Oh yes old man has the offending pics but since he gave me his rear speakers they will stay with my dad. Plus the fact they are in an old Brownie style camara i think it will be difficult to upload Grant
sti-zlv Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Great day, alot of good driving, none of which came from me Supose I've still got alot to learn, pleanty of time though. Cal cant wait to see that footage Matt
Gav_C Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Thanks to John and all at SIDC for hosting a great day. This was my first track day and have to admit I was sh1tting myself first time out, so apologies to anyone I held up. Good to see there were no major off's, lucky considering the amount of red flags throughout the day. Good to meet some new faces, looking forward to the next one already Gavin.
dougster Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Gav, sorry I missed you again. We passed loads of time on pit lane but you were always going one way while I was off on another!! See you soon. (btw I have passed on all your details to MOSES )
Gav_C Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 I was on the way over to say hello, but realised you were on the phone at the time, I'll catch you at the next one no doubt.
Andy-P Posted March 7, 2005 Posted March 7, 2005 Cal, did I see your car with a big dent on the drivers side?
DonZ Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 A belated thank you to the organisers for letting us non scoobs join the fun. It was an excellent day and well run as usual. And also thanks for letting me wear short sleeves. Incidentally who was the red classic I had a few laps tussling with. I think you were quicker than me through the bends which is usually my advantage you must have superb suspention set up on that. Was an excellent tussle hope I didn't hold you up too much. I'll see if I can get some footage of it up.
BOBBY G Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 Hello Folks, Would just like to say a massive thankyou to all those that made both myself and my wife (Bob and Sarah) feel most welcome at the SIDC day at Knockhill. For all those that cannot quite remember us, we probably annoyed you and tried to sell you a new car! A huge thanks must also be extended to all the very generous individuals who were kind enough to take us for a spin round the track........(literally in some cases!) We had a blast of a time, and look forward to seeing you all at the next event. The Scoob should be well run in by then, and hopefully I will have the balls to take her on track too. Cheers B+S
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