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1st Dundee Meet of 2005

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Just wondering if anything has been arranged yet??

If not then who would be up for making an appearance at the first Dundee Meet of 2005??

Thought I'd post something as Teknopete normally organises this, but is still AWOL.. I've heard that there have been a few sightings of Big Red "worrying" wildlife in the sticks, on the outskirts of Dundee though. face-icon-small-happy.gif




il come as long as it's not bloody freezing again!


I am up for this too as I am sure Big Daz will be but I think he is without PC still.

Let me know when and where but stay away from the weekend of 28th Jan.

Big Red is around not sure if she is on the road at the mo.



How about a list ?

1. R S Grant

2. Ciaran

3. Dorikin

4. P1 GGM

5. Scoobylav - not the w/end of 28th

6. Big Daz


Count me in face-icon-small-smile.gif

1. R S Grant

2. Ciaran

3. Dorikin

4. P1 GGM

5. Scoobylav - not the w/end of 28th

6. Big Daz

7. Mako



Could go for the 21st,22nd or 23rd any preferences?


face-icon-small-smile.gif Could do with avoiding a Sunday evening if poss - otherwise fairly flexible

Grant - You half inched Johnny 50's car then? Lure of wagon power too strong to resist?




even better during the day if fast car (i presume what is meant by fc) is at crail as it means all the burberry brigade will busy busy and the pigs busy looking after them - and besides, what i have in mind i know is much better face-icon-small-wink.gif

anyone seen mr.elusive recently... still aint heard from him...

... oh and theres a silver classic with some graphics parked round the corner from me and quite often i heard that "burble" reverberating around the law - anyone here?


Dorikin, I touch goats.

OK Update - w/e of 15/16 no good. w/e of 29/30 no good. Sundays not the best in the day but evening OK.

So that leaves w/e of 22/23 or as Dorikin suggests w/e of 5/6 feb.

Could everyone update the list with a preference of time and day or any time not suitable.

ScoobyKev welcome always good to meet new peeps

HI SOOB - Jamie you are more than welcome.

1. R S Grant

2. Ciaran

3. Dorikin

4. P1 GGM

5. Scoobylav - not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz

7. Mako

8. Scoobykev



1. R S Grant

2. Ciaran -im easy have a simple uncomplicated life so free every weekend!

3. Dorikin

4. P1 GGM

5. Scoobylav - not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz

7. Mako

8. Scoobykev



Apologies for starting a thread and leaving it......

I talked to Mr Tekno the other day and arranged to pay him a visit out in the sticks towards the end of the month!! face-icon-small-happy.gif

Daz, I decided that I have become old and wise enough to handle the extreme performance that a Wagon offers. face-icon-small-wink.gif

1. RS Grant - Any

2. Ciaran - Any

3. Dorikin -

4. PIGGM -

5. Scoobylav - Not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz -

7. Mako -

8. Scoobykev -

9. HI SOOB -

I would say that the 6th sounds like it will be a convienient day for everyone, as long as its an evening meet.. for those who are tied up during the day, or at the Fast Car event at Crail.




<< 1. R S Grant

2. Ciaran -im easy have a simple uncomplicated life so free every weekend!

3. Dorikin

4. P1 GGM

5. Scoobylav - not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz

7. Mako

8. Scoobykev -any weekend, evenings only.

9. HI SOOB >>


1. RS Grant - Any

2. Ciaran - Any

3. Dorikin -

4. PIGGM -

5. Scoobylav - Not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz -

7. Mako -

8. Scoobykev - Any weekend evenings only

9. HI SOOB -


Do any of you ken like whaur oor Pete is like the nooo? face-icon-small-happy.gif

I need to speak with him ASAP.

Cheers and yes, being a Weegie, have all your hubcaps!! face-icon-small-wink.gif


1. RS Grant - Any

2. Ciaran - Any

3. Dorikin -

4. PIGGM -

5. Scoobylav - Not the w/end of 15th or 29th or Sunday in the day.

6. Big Daz -

7. Mako -

8. Scoobykev - Any weekend evenings only

9. HI SOOB -

10. Redeye

Scott whatya got ???

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