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Light relief needed PLEASE

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OK all,

As you know my car is in a state of MUCH smashed-ness!! Luckily all are OK.

OWN UP - tell me about your near escapes or unlicky hits like mine or total write offs - no stories of death please, stupidly bad driving (well, not too many) or things which people who moan, ie on Scoobynet about illegal or dangerous activities, may say something about.

Make me feel I am not the only one face-icon-small-happy.gif

Brian face-icon-small-wink.gif

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Ok, here goes.

After saving up for about a year, I managed to afford my long awaited Calibra 16v.

Got it home, polished it every night and thought it was the bollocks (I was only 18)face-icon-small-smile.gif

Coming home from college one afternoon after having the car for 8 days, into Newburgh, fife.

Just coming up for a left hander that I knew well, when the car understeered across the road, it suddenly bit back and threw the rear round.By now I was round the corner and had begun "snaking" down the road, dodging an on coming car before it "snaked" too far and snaped round so far I couldn't recover it.

It went sideways towards the graveyard enterance where it smacked the pillars, knocked the wall to peices and because of the speed of the impact it spun round again and wrecked the rear of the car.face-icon-small-sad.gif

The car was wiped out. Chassis legs were at 90 deg to the rest of the car, engine was in the bulk head,etc.

It even broke the winders of the seat, shattered the multi plug behind the stereo, shattered the hinges from the rear shelve .

On the passengers side, which didnt even get hit, the door wouldnt open and asfor my side the door wouldnt shut.

The outcome was a really sore neck and head due to the fact that my napper rattled off the side window upon impacting the wall at what was later discussed by Mr Plod to be around 40mph.

Took a month to get the insurance money through and I went out and bought another one which was even better than the first 16Ver, so it came ok in the end.face-icon-small-wink.gif

At the time I thought I was only doing about 45-50 mph but as I get older and stop kidding myself, i now realise it was probably about 60mph into what has now been changed into a 40mph zone.

Also, didnt get charged with anything, so even better.

Long and boring, but you did ask Brianface-icon-small-smile.gif


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Rolled my first car (dad's old Chevvy HS2.3) over a 6 ft fence into Loch Lomond!!!!

Only thing damaged was my mates eye when the 1.5 litre bottle of Frascati hit him on the head!

(no bottles of Grolsh or any lattice fencing was harmed in this proccess)face-icon-small-wink.gif

Last car (200bhp Ibiza Cupra Sport16v) was lost in a field early one morning whilst dreaming of breakfast!!!! face-icon-small-sad.gif

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Brian , my pride and joy 7 years ago (2wd saph cossie)

heading towards arrochar at a rate of knots , misjudged the right bend ( outside the police stn ) lost the back end beyond the point of return , skelped the first lamp post with my nsr quarter , that spun me in the other direction and the car took off hitting a lorry parked in the lay by ( half way up the cab ) bounced off that and came to rest 50 yards down the road.

Adding insult to injury not only did I lose my car but I had to pay the council £ 850.00 towards repairing the lamp post.

I suppose I was lucky to escape injury ( petrol tank was like an empty crisp packet face-icon-small-blush.gif )

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Had another dodgy one at Knockhill

Reverse direction track day - downhill towards the hairpin at approx 100mph when another xr2 tried to cut in for the best line . His rear end connected with my front n/s corner resulting in him ploughing in to the right hand side tyre wall. His seat runners snapped on impact which was the cause of his multuple injuries, his car then sommersaulted about 20ft in the air and came to rest with him hanging out the tailgate (one of my scariest moments ever)

He is now apparently OKface-icon-small-smile.gif

Anyway this is a wee bit depressing this thread.

Just get the bloody thing fixed Brianface-icon-small-happy.gif ASAP

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It was my first day back to work after Christmas last year, you know the really depressing 3 days in between Christmas and New Year. I was heading to work, on very, very quiet roads (thank god), which had been covered in a very thin layer of snow and black ice!! Went round a nice corner on a lovely back road, lost control of the scooby, and parked it nicely in the wall on the opposite side of the road!!!

Resulted in a bent bonnet, bent right side wing, broken front bumper, smashed fog lamp, and smashed quad lamp!!! No car for about 5 weeks, as it took ages to get it fixed. Still not happy with the front bumper as the insurance company refused to give me an STI one, so I had to pay half of a 3 part splitter.

Roll on this winter!!!!!

Hope you get your car fixed soon.

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Picture the scene. Friday evening, Jim Clark Rally stage and we are heading of from the start to our marshalling point.

Ian (zeolite) and I were ahead in the wagon with Spooks following close behind in Rosie's CORROLLA!!!!!!!!!!

Ian was showing me the finer points of left foot braking when suddenly he shouted "he's crashed, he's crashed he's crashed!!!"

We pulled up sudddenly and ran back up to a 90 degree left hander (bone dry) to find Spooks and Rosie in the ditch in 4ft grass!!!

No damage to the car due to the soft verge and the young lads on the hill got their best crash of the day!!!!

(Spooks got his only cheer!!!) face-icon-small-smile.gif

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Yes Spooks it wasn't dry as there was a stream of water running down the brae.

I once took out about 6 fence posts at Crail when doing the Crail Stages. In the Escort and the box was getting stiffer and stiffer. I tried to take a K right in top when it should have been 3rd. Ended up with 2 wheels on the grass and 2 wheels on the tarmac with a line of fence posts in the middle. co-driver yelling "keep it going" so I did and got back on the road after knocking down about 6 posts. I nearly hit my pal who was overtaking me in his Manta.

oh how we laughed when we were sticking the exhaust back on and un-twisting the bumper.

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I drove into my mates house - braked, slid on some leaves and went into the living room window. It didnt go down well.

Same mate - drove into his driveway - it was dark and wet, in the distance saw something shiny. Thought, och its only a yellow shiny thing. Wrote my car off as I drove into the driveway post to prevent thieves nicking his dads Jag. His parents forgave me for being so thick.

Drove up pavement when going to shops to park - didnt see lamp-post (old concrete one and it was raining) - caused £1200 damage to mums car. She wasnt amused - however I totally lied and said it was a 4x4 that hit and runface-icon-small-smile.gif To this day she doesnt know.

Theres more - but its too embarrassing as they as completely inept accidents as opposed to proper 'brag to your mates' type ones.

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Two weeks after passing my test,I was driving with two mates in my sisters Metro.My dad said it was ok to drive it as he had put me on the insurance.

Anyways,I managed to lose control on a bend,hit a lampost which split in two.The car was a write off,we were all very lucky......cuts/bruises/whiplash..........but nothing serious.

However,on producing my documents to the Police Station,I realised that my dad hadn't put me on the insurance...a genuine mistake.

So I ended up in court........6 points/fine.

I also had to pay for the lamp post(very costly)

And of course the car was not covered ,so my sister was none too happy.

A genuine mistake and some bad driving taught me a very costly lesson.

(my sister still brings it up 15 years later if I wind her up too much:-)

Hope the car is back on the road soon,chin up:-)

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much sympathy for you, bloody ditches!! last year iwas halfway round a bend in my beloved and hit standing water, tyres let go and car goes for a spin. it span onto the verge backwards and against a dyke which slowed it down, so there i am sliding along the verge, slowing down and thinking time for a new boot and bumper when the wheel digs into a deep drain going across the verge and flips the car upside down rolling it right over the dyke. cue one very dead scooby and one very lucky driver! although it did look kinda good with the lowered roofline...

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