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Some People Deserve To Be Shot!

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Well 3 more days offshore until im home.....all excited to get my engine changed etc!!!!!

Then the girlfriend phones me and tells me she parked the car in Bell street multi story car park and some t**t has went up both sides of the car with a key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

Now feeling totally depressed.....only wish i had caught the person cause i would have ripped there head of there shoulders!!!!!! :thumbup:

Heres a close up she sent me



I do have a special hate for people in genneral, but when they go and do stuff like this...

Feeling your Pain mate, I've still to get my one fixed after someone did the same to me, and mines was outside me door... :thumbup:


Complete shuntholes, be they had a real good laugh too, ''oh look there is a scooby, lets go put a scratch on it'' [because i am so stupid & will never afford one] type of bum fluff

Gutted for you :thumbup:

Posted (edited)

FFS Mate, thats a proper job they have made of it to, F+=kin Low life sh!tfuc4s. chin up lad :thumbup:

Btw- Gutted to see my old pride and joy like that, coz you had it lookin so good :thumbup:

Edited by Jcscoob


Total low life scum......dont think they could have went deeper if they tried :thumbup: I think i am lucky i wasnt there and caught them or i would have been going to bell street jail after beating them to a pulp!!! barstewards!!!


Thats a real shame mate, What is wrong with some people?

I was lucky enough(?) to see someone running a fork along my 205gti.

When I was young and invincible I might add


What joy do they get out of doing that makes the blood boil big big time .Don't think i would won't to catch them not keen of spending the rest of my life in prison for murder


I dont understand some people. I bought my car with two keymarks around the boot area. I left them to deter keyers(hope they will leave the more shabby Scooby alone) I feel your pain, hope it isnt too expensive.


That grips my shxx when i see things like that, honestly i would love to catch the little baswerds and string them up, hope you get it sorted for much cheapness, and lets get that engine in think possitive....


Sorry to hear this mate :thumbup: if you can't find out who done it just hope that if and when they get something they care about the same gets done to them

F***ING REPROBATES :thumbup:



FFs.. I parked in there when i first came up to dundee and got my car broken into.. everything stolen and all windows smashed... its a horrible car park!!

Blood is boiling at this kinda stuff!

Hope it doesnt cost too much pal


Totally senseless waste by a totally senseless mean-spirited cowardly loser :thumbup:

...and in a multi-storey too - which you'd think would play host mainly to other car owners and their passengers, who don't exactly fit the profile for your average car-keyer... is this multi-storey known to be a hangout for teenagers/neds?

Hope you can get it sorted soon and that it doesn't hurt the wallet/insurance too much :thumbup:


Yeh......The crap thing is i would never ever park there and have told the girlfriend not to be parking in places like that......even though its not her fault it happened im still miffed at her for parking in that place :thumbup: But its a lesson she will learn now its happened as its going to cost me a coin or two to get it fixed......prob going to have to get most of the car re-sprayed so it matches otherwise it will never be the same!!


thats **** mate! sorry to hear about that!

if its any concellation i'll be home today!!(if bristows turn up lol)

mines parked at the airpark, REALLY REALLY wont be happy if its marked at all,

this is the 1st time ive taken the scoob up while ive been offshore.

So basically i dont like to park it there but i do get to drive it home cross country

from aberdeen to fortwilliam. 160 miles of b-road bliss!!! :thumbup:

thats **** mate! sorry to hear about that!

if its any concellation i'll be home today!!(if bristows turn up lol)

mines parked at the airpark, REALLY REALLY wont be happy if its marked at all,

this is the 1st time ive taken the scoob up while ive been offshore.

So basically i dont like to park it there but i do get to drive it home cross country

from aberdeen to fortwilliam. 160 miles of b-road bliss!!! :thumbup:

Hope your flight comes!!!!

Im in Turkey......boat comes tomorrow to take ma a shore, then flights home saturday morning, girlfriends been using the car for a month while iv been away!! cant wait to get back and give the car a hug :thumbup:


Fargin low life piece of Sh£ts! Really don't know what peope get out of doing that. :thumbup:

I once had Brake fluid sprayed al over the side of my car, i was gutted to say the least!! So i know what you're going through. :thumbup:


These low-life pieces of scum should be shot -they obviously have nothing of their own to appreciate and don't realise the value of peoples stuff and the cost and effect they're mindless acts have on innocent people,it really winds me up !!

Sorry to hear about this,hope you get it sorted soon.

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